The EUs AFX2s are HERE! Cliff! Everyone!

I still feel the shipments of the Axe-Fx II shouldn't have been based on prior shipments.
I don't think it's fair that European customers should have to wait longer than US customers.
The first model wasn't as well known as the II.
The waiting lists should diminish equally. That would be fair.
It seems that no one can resist the call of money.
You have a fantastic, unique product. People start worshipping the man and his company and then they start to be unfair.
Look at Apple.
What greedy evil bastards they have become!!!
I still feel the shipments of the Axe-Fx II shouldn't have been based on prior shipments.
I don't think it's fair that European customers should have to wait longer than US customers.
The first model wasn't as well known as the II.
The waiting lists should diminish equally. That would be fair.
It seems that no one can resist the call of money.
You have a fantastic, unique product. People start worshipping the man and his company and then they start to be unfair.
Look at Apple.
What greedy evil bastards they have become!!!

There is always the option of signifying this with your actions.

I have canceled my Axe II order. My Ultra is enough for me, until another company can come along that has a better business ethic.

Incidentally, I have also stopped using Apple products for these self same reasons you have stated.
Incidentally, I have also stopped using Apple products for these self same reasons you have stated.
Same here.
Normally I do the same thing. i don't support "Evil Companies" and tell people they can "vote with their wallet" as I do.
IMHO, it's the only way we get a chance at changing things.

But I'm still waiting for the Axe-Fx II.
I've had the Ultra for three years now.
Cliff still has huuuuuuuuuuuuge amounts of credit for all the hard work, support and countless free updates he's given us.
I wouldn't like him to turn to the dark side ;-)
I'm just saying that historic sales aren't a good way to base their current policy on.
The waiting list should decrease equally. That would be fair.
So, when Cliff says next Friday he means end of October (29th), which means another 2 weeks for the shipment to arrive to G66, which means another 2 weeks till G66 processes the shipment and ship it to EU customers, which means mid December.
Is that right?
If yes, I'm basically screwed... I don't know if Greece will still be in the EU by December (I don't even know if we're gonna be in the EU tomorrow!).
Oh well... I'm screwed anyways, so I might as well wait...
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I just ordered my AXE2, and the message from G66, was that I must wait, 4-5 month. I still got my Ultra so no problem with that
Im really looking forward, as the new information about upcoming firmware for the gen2 looks so amazing. For ex. a better sounding ampmodulation - Holy Shit !!
A shipment should be going out next Friday.

We have had some significant delays with the chassis but the flood gates are starting to open.

Are different chassis for Europe than for America?, Why not get it, as there may be people in my city trip to America and bringing with him 2 and 3 units and reselling them once here doing business outside the G66 and I've been waiting over 5 months and what I have and all I hear when I ask my dealer G66, do not know that I can ensure that shipping anything and we expected it from no longer does what comes back hanging by a thread and if the gods take pity of us ...... in order to see if this time we send something over 10 or 15 units, I believe that after waiting so long we would have hit the Gander to RECEIVE massive units as I have long promised.

Thanks for your update and sorry for my English
Man that Kemper looks very interesting too. Ive just put one on order with DV247. 30 day money back guarantee. Will be interesting to see whether the axefx2 or Kemper arrives first. Im kind of hoping to try them both out together.
The idea of profiling my favourite amps is intriguing, and its about half the price of an axefx over in the UK.
I know what you mean, I thought about trying one, but felt that the effects were not up to the same standard / flexibility as on the Axe-FX.... For me Effects and flexible routing is a real big for me.

Also the form factor was another deal breaker.

Once people start getting their hands on both, will be interesting to see/ hear / feel the comparisons.

Let us know what you think once you get one
Fractal Audio is way far in vision and business models from any "evil" company!!!
OK, we have to wait, but we are waiting because they are keeping their business flow in a KISS-way!!!

Apple have always been greedy and close. Microsoft' success comes from this fact, Microsoft was the open alternative.

Recently Apple took a lot from the FLOSS and gave something back, but the business model is very similar to the first.
Nothing "Evil" about Fractal. they are a small company doing the best they can business-wise, with an awesome product and a demand for that product which they can't meet for months to come.

i agree the wait is frustrating; i ordered an ultra with G66 in january '11, but the wait comes with the territory. G66 have been nothing but courteous, and i doubt fractal has taken more than a week off from work for a long long time.
G66 Website:

AXE-FX II Shipping Update 16, October:
Next Axe-Fx II shipment should be ready on Friday - we will inform when we get the shipping date and quantities confirmed.
ractal Audio is way far in vision and business models from any "evil" company!!!
OK, we have to wait, but we are waiting because they are keeping their business flow in a KISS-way!!!

The evil part is in the fact that for an amount of money people can jump the cue and get a unit.
Not fair to the European customers who don't have this option, certainly for those who have been waiting for a very long time.
The by far KISS-est way do do things is to have a global waitlist - how hard would that be - and ship units accordingly.
Again, European customers shouldn't have to wait longer than the Americans.
G66 Website:

AXE-FX II Shipping Update 16, October:
Next Axe-Fx II shipment should be ready on Friday - we will inform when we get the shipping date and quantities confirmed.

? friday is in 5 days and g66 doesn't know if they will have 10 , 100 or 500 axe fx II.
that's crazy to me
Nothing "Evil" about Fractal. they are a small company doing the best they can business-wise, with an awesome product and a demand for that product which they can't meet for months to come.

i agree the wait is frustrating; i ordered an ultra with G66 in january '11, but the wait comes with the territory. G66 have been nothing but courteous, and i doubt fractal has taken more than a week off from work for a long long time.

They are a small company, granted. They are NOT doing the best they can, business-wise. If they were, there would be no agro on this forum about the differing wait times both sides of the Atlantic. Having the unit in stock from their own website while they haven't even shipped a substantial amount of units to the EU is short sighted, and they are smarter than that.

The wait is not what bothered me. I would have waited longer. But I will NOT be parlay to unfair treatment, and I will not have it done to me if I can do something about it.
Nothing "Evil" about Fractal. they are a small company doing the best they can business-wise, with an awesome product and a demand for that product which they can't meet for months to come.

i agree the wait is frustrating; i ordered an ultra with G66 in january '11, but the wait comes with the territory. G66 have been nothing but courteous, and i doubt fractal has taken more than a week off from work for a long long time.

They are a small company, granted. They are NOT doing the best they can, business-wise. If they were, there would be no agro on this forum about the differing wait times both sides of the Atlantic. Having the unit in stock from their own website while they haven't even shipped a substantial amount of units to the EU is short sighted, at the very least. It appears as if FAS doesn't care as much about it's European and Australasian base as it does about it's US base, and this is a mistake. I'm not saying this is an actuality, but this IS what it appears to be to an observer.

The wait is not what bothered me. I would have waited longer. But I will NOT be parlay to unfair treatment, and I will not have it done to me if I can do something about it.

The product IS awesome, I agree, but not as awesome as actually having the amps there. The effects and flexibility is unparalleled however. I also think that they are working hard at producing new units, and are not subject to the same closed off money grabbing ethic that Apple have been, but just like with Apple, there are alternatives to the Axe 2, in the amps they model. Also, just like Apple, their CEO is not god, and is subject to the same flaws as us all, and should not be above criticism.

*** Apologies. The website Gremlins have seen fit to post my post twice. They haven't changed anything in the Matrix, agent Smith is not just around the corner. :) ***
They are a small company, granted. They are NOT doing the best they can, business-wise. If they were, there would be no agro on this forum about the differing wait times both sides of the Atlantic. Having the unit in stock from their own website while they haven't even shipped a substantial amount of units to the EU is short sighted, at the very least. It appears as if FAS doesn't care as much about it's European and Australasian base as it does about it's US base, and this is a mistake. I'm not saying this is an actuality, but this IS what it appears to be to an observer.

The wait is not what bothered me. I would have waited longer. But I will NOT be parlay to unfair treatment, and I will not have it done to me if I can do something about it.

The product IS awesome, I agree, but not as awesome as actually having the amps there. The effects and flexibility is unparalleled however. I also think that they are working hard at producing new units, and are not subject to the same closed off money grabbing ethic that Apple have been, but just like with Apple, there are alternatives to the Axe 2, in the amps they model. Also, just like Apple, their CEO is not god, and is subject to the same flaws as us all, and should not be above criticism.

*** Apologies. The website Gremlins have seen fit to post my post twice. They haven't changed anything in the Matrix, agent Smith is not just around the corner. :) ***

Indeed. The only reason why I still haven't left the bloody queue is because I really believe their product is absolutely brilliant.
But that "60% to usa 20% to EU 20% to the rest of the world" business plan makes me cringe.
It's unfair beyond belief and I suspect we have never even reached that 20% fully in any of the shipments so far.
I can see some logic in shipping more units domestically in order to "keep the locals happy" but the gap as it is now imho is too big. And also if you're putting out less units for whatever reason (shortage of parts, etc.) you should automatically try to balance the quantities of the shipments. Since the number of units destined to USA is huge why not "replenish" the EU and rest of the world shipments from there rather then just sending less units?
I really think this is what makes people feel they're treated like second-tier customers (aside from the fact that we don't get the "extra bucks = skip queue" option) and ofc seeing units on FAS webby, on ebay or for sale in other places in the intarwebzzzzz doesn't help either as they'd probably have been more useful for anyone of those still sitting in the waiting list.

Just my 2 cents.
I am sure the guy´s at FAS are working their ass off to produce as many Axe2 as possible. It sounds to me as if you allready has sold your gen1 units and now are getting desperate.
I ordered my Axe2 last week without paying a dime before it turns up in 5 month time - until then I will have fun with my ultra :)

Cheer up folks :)
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