The EUs AFX2s are HERE! Cliff! Everyone!

It sounds to me as if you allready has sold your gen1 units and now are getting desperate.
I would appreciate it if you wouldn't make any assumptions.
I still got my Ultra.
I'm just commenting on the unfair shipping policy.
Common guys. Stop this. If you don't want to wait, just find someone in US who can ship it to you. Problem solved. Rather than blaming, think of ideas to get one yourself. If your energies are focused on that side, you will be a happy man. You are wasting your time to become an unhappy man.

I waited a year, went to US to get one. :D
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I'm a happy man, I would say even very happy.
If I'd were any happier they would have to lock me away ;-)
That doesn't mean I can't post my opinion about this unfair shipping policy.
I'll wait, and stay happy and I haven't sold my Ultra yet.
hmmm buy a 3300 dollars gear without warranty ?
hmm no , thanks.
Yea, save 3300 dollars and be a happy man. :D :D

I was meaning for people who are complaining of not getting the II. In my country, I don't get many of the "branded" products. Its just not possible. The best bet is to have someone bring it if they are visiting foreign countries. Shouting and complaining doesn't bring products to you. If they don't bring products to you, you have to go get them (if you need it so badly), is all I am saying. No hard feelings. Just was annoyed of people arguing. It surely discourages Cliff, I am sure.
No worries,

Glad I cleared a few things up but just be sure:
I AM waiting for the Axe-FX II.
I just haven't sold my Ultra YET.
And I am not arguing, just stating a fact that the current shipping policy is NOT fair.
There are waitinglists in the Stats, Europe and the rest of the world.
How hard could it be to combine those into a global waiting list and ship accordingly.
That would be the fair thing to do.
Just my €0.02
hmmm buy a 3300 dollars gear without warranty ?
hmm no , thanks.

i totally agree. i just had the chance (was in the us a few days ago) but deliberately let it slip because of the warranty (and i have been waiting since march). if it were just some stupid tv which every dealer round the corner could fix... but such a specialized product without even the chance of sending it to the us in case of a malfunction is too much a risk for that much money (as far as the forum goes, the warranty is totally void, if a eu citizen buys it in the us). however (with due respect to g66 and cliff's supply shortages and business stragegies): if the charade with sending just a tiny amount of devices every 8 weeks with a 100 times larger eu-waiting list and ever continuing being put off and ever continuing promises and ever continuing half-baked cloudy announcements continues, i will potentially slowly turn from a frustated customer with a ;-) view on things into a really really angry customer.
I'm curious...if you know someone in the US, couldn't you have them buy the unit for you, and in the event you needed warranty work you could just send it back to them and they could send it to Fractal to get the warranty done...? It's one more step, but the money you'd save on the price of the unit would more than cover that...and honestly, the chances of it actually needing warranty work are pretty slim anyway...
Valid point, the prohibitive thing with this is the postage... Fully insured a one way postal service to the US is over $300 for an Axe-FX II.
Besides, I'm English: I enjoy queueing for stuff and yearn for those moments when I can chunter at those who circumvent ;)

:)) i would however be glad to have the "skip the line by paying extra money" option. but it is somehow clear (but nevertheless effectively highly unfair) that fractal cannot offer this because of the contracts they presumable have with g66 and the other distributors. and g66 cannot do anything about the situation as well, as we all know. however, g66 could possibly also offer such a "skip the line" option for more money if they would make a respective arrangement with fractal. but i do not want to get into this "suggest the companies what they should do" schema, since this has caused bad blood in the past months here in the forum. however, i guess, that, as a customer, i can take the freedom to utter such a desire here, since i am getting a bit tired at waiting, especially because there is no end to the waiting in sight, if the number of devices going abroad stays as low at it was, from what we can guess with high probability.
Should a 'queue of people willing to pay extra money' form, I'd have to petition for another queue of people willing to pay even more money ;)

But seriously, I'll have one when my name comes up...I've got plenty of toys to play with in the meantime.

Personally, I don't think it's right to barge your way to the front with a heavy wallet...although, at least the intent is better than someone snagging one to make a quick buck on ebay :?
I think the glad to be moaning at other people pushing in was more a joke about the characteristics of the Brittish....

1. We love a queue.
2. We love to grumble when others push in to the queue
3. We love to talk about the weather

That's how I read the comments.... Just a bit of fun
Personally, I don't think it's right to barge your way to the front with a heavy wallet

which is certainly a valid moral point if the resource in question is really scarce. but european scarcity of axe ii devices is probably a consequence of the fact that, in view of not having enough devices for everybody, fractal can make more money with the "skip the line" guys than by selling to their distributors (which have to charge something to survive) at reseller conditions. so a potential set of european or rest-of-the-world "skip-the-liners" would probably not change the amount of devices available for people waiting in a regular way. even to the contrary, since those "skip-the-liners" may already further ahead in the line than you and even accelerate your delivery time.
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Yeah, it's not an ideal situation for sure. It's been said before that it must hurt G66 a little every time they lose a customer...through getting an AxeII from the US, turning to a different product or simply quitting.

I got onboard for an Ultra in early April so I must be relatively advanced on the list but it's still cool when others leave the line ahead of me...wish we could see the list ;)
Yeah, it's not an ideal situation for sure. It's been said before that it must hurt G66 a little every time they lose a customer...through getting an AxeII from the US, turning to a different product or simply quitting.

I got onboard for an Ultra in early April so I must be relatively advanced on the list but it's still cool when others leave the line ahead of me...wish we could see the list ;)

i am onboard since march. lets keep our hopes up. but i fear that we are still in the december 2010 range and the upcoming delivery will probably be way too small to reach into the march april range. so probably we'll be up early 2012 i guess. the guys that ordered after the countdown probably cannot hope for one until summer or so, i guess. :-(
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