side topic from Cliff's interview

Unless this "free energy" talk is going to get me a "free Axe-fx II" (need one for the house)... then don't wake me up until Dec. 21, 2012... ;) :D
And why would that be? Because it is so easily provable and admitted by people that are and/or were in it.
Try to get research funds for truely interesting stuff. It is not allowed (if it has the potential to eventually make the sheeple more powerful).
Instead they have to keep up researching stuff that will get us nowhere, or for which good solutions already exist plentiful.

The medical research is the funniest of all. A lot of their conclusions about life are based on looking through a microscope at stained and dead material, while it's been possible since the dark ages to study live blood and witness stuff like pleomorphism. Of course they can't acknowledge this, it would put everything on its head. How in-credible can you get?

Funniest? There's nothing at all funny about where you are going.

Furthermore, what is this great "they" and "it" you are talking about?

I worked for years in the hard science of trying to help people with real diseases like CF and Hep-C, and loved hearing from ignorant people talking about how "we were putting off the real cure because companies make more money when you need a subscription rather than a fix."

Its staggeringly arrogant to look at other people working hard and judge when life is at stake. It amazes me.

For some color for the other folks reading this thread -

People of this belief here were saying these kind of things to people who themselves had -family members- sick or dying, these people rarely left the office except to sleep. They don't make "1%er" money either.
They were in a race with death for a loved one. They were mailing it in or "hiding the truth" for money. Exactly. Of course. Its so obvious! I saw a video on youtube that explains how this makes sense.
I remember in the late '70s they presented a car whose engine worked with water: there was a catalytic cell which produced oxygen and hydrogen, and burned the one with the other.
You're referring to Stanley Meyer's car, powered by his water fuel cell. That car was never "presented," but it was patented (note that a patent isn't proof of validity; it just puts the government's weight behind the inventor's claim that he thought of the idea first). Mr. Meyer's claim has never been verified by anyone, even though his patent is freely available for study, as are all U.S. patents.

We already had the technology for reducing the dependence from oil 30+ years ago, but the "powers" involved were much stronger than something elementary such as free market...
Study history. The free market beats prohibition every time, in every culture.
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Hmmm this thread reminded me of a comment made by my high school electronics teacher when he was talking about solid state devices and started musing a bit about quantum theory and how at that level the physics isn't really understood well yet, etc... but then he burst out in a semi-psychotic laugh and said "well, I think they're on the right track, otherwise no one on earth really knows how your @*^$&!^ TV set really works then heheheheheh". There's some bent kinda wisdom in that somewhere...
Rex said:
They don't want control over you.
Just LOL... Is that why they're taking all our freedoms away? You probably hadn't even noticed or have fallen for the "terrorists" line? *Zzz*
"The real they" (whoever it is)...

Who is "the real 'they?'" We need to nail that down to have any meaningful discussion. Without that, it's religion: anything can be explained by saying that God, the devil, or "they" did it.

Are "they" the government? If so, which government? Is it corporations? If so, which ones? How big does Uncle Bob's plumbing company have to grow before it becomes part of "they?" Powerful organizations compete against each other vigorously. They don't trust each other enough to sit down together and figure out a way to rule us all.

"The real they" (whoever it is) don't have money issues. It's more important we don't get onto them and become powerful, individually or together. It's better we are kept sick, scared, poor, unpowerful, die off even.
Every person and organization has money issues. You can see that in your life, in your neighbor's life, in the store down the street, in the multinational corporation, and in governments at all levels. If you've ever had a leadership role in an organization, you've experienced its money issues. Businesses don't walk away from insanely huge profits, which is what they'd get if they could produce even one free energy product.

The real fear mongers are the ones who tell us that we're helpless because "they" have us under their thumbs.
Hmmm this thread reminded me of a comment made by my high school electronics teacher when he was talking about solid state devices and started musing a bit about quantum theory and how at that level the physics isn't really understood well yet, etc... but then he burst out in a semi-psychotic laugh and said "well, I think they're on the right track, otherwise no one on earth really knows how your @*^$&!^ TV set really works then heheheheheh". There's some bent kinda wisdom in that somewhere...
Wisdom, indeed. Sure, we haven't figured out everything. But the stuff we have figured out has been turned into useful—and profitable—products. In other words, it's can be verified repeatedly.
none of this nonesense matters.what?you mean you don't know?this whole experience on earth is nothing more than a giant computer simulation,when we die,we disconect from the interface and realise our true form.Cosmic Ethereal Space Sheeeeepppppppp!!!!!;)
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You're referring to Stanley Meyer's car, powered by his water fuel cell. That car was never "presented," but it was patented (note that a patent isn't proof of validity; it just puts the government's weight behind the inventor's claim that he thought of the idea first). Mr. Meyer's claim has never been verified by anyone, even though his patent is freely available for study, as are all U.S. patents.

I can't say it's the car I was referring to: I was just too young to care. Anyway it was an example, just like the lightin' project for Rome I mentioned.

Study history. The free market beats prohibition every time, in every culture.

Sorry Rex, I don't want to become aggressive... but you should not suppose to know what I study. Maybe I've studied a different history than you have, or I've perceived things you've not. Also, I don't probably share your idea of practical implementation of freedom. The fact that you seem to believe there's only one way to study history (or one story only to be known) could partly explain your position. What you feel free to do or think has not been decided by you only, I'm afraid.

Mhhh... it seems to me that this discussion is taking on a typical shape: two major fronts where people think that the others are basically naive/dumb (at best) or making statements in bad faith. Like UFO discussion, or vegs Vs. meat eaters, or believers Vs. atheists. Personally, I have no interest in these outcomes, that typically bring to nothing.
Generally speaking, I believe people should respect others' opinions specially when things - from both parts - are not rigorously demonstrable through a scientific process. Genesis' Time Table comes to my mind.

Peace & Axes
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Sorry Rex, I don't want to become aggressive...
Nor do I. Peace.

...but you should not suppose to know what I study.

...The fact that you seem to believe there's only one way to study history (or one story only to be known) could partly explain your position.
Nor should you suppose to know what I study.

...Mhhh... it seems to me that this discussion is taking on a typical shape: two major fronts where people think that the others are basically naive/dumb (at best) or making statements in bad faith. Like UFO discussion, or vegs Vs. meat eaters, or believers Vs. atheists.
You have a point. Nothing much is likely to come of this discussion. I am officially bowing out. Apologies to any whom I'm offended. Cheers to all who support open discussion.
Wow... There is some DEEP thought going on in this forum ! ... Just when I thought all life here began and ended with "tone"... ;-). People here are awesome.

Quark Theory ? .... Anyone ?... Bueller ...?
Surprised nobody's yet mentioned the crystal lattice. :eek:

As for conspiracy theories, I'm a stronger believer in Occam's Razor.
With seven billion variations of humans on earth, no two are the same even though we only have maybe fifty variations of culture/lifestyle worldwide.
We can conclude that we love to follow systems and stereo-type everything. We can also conclude that we live in a Fractal world with an infinite number of possibities.
Just as a great race car driver or guitar player can find and master a system that works every time (electronics and energy go here also) means we have a system we can understand and relate to and predictably market or use.
There will never be the know all - end all conversation. We see things as stable or static when every atom of every thing is in a place or state right NOW! that it will never be again. It's not just our perspective that changes.
Just because our tires have worn grooves in the pavement and become more of a train track (or wreck for some of us) doesn't mean we still can't leave the norm and find new roads, they definatley are there.
Alot of things exist simply because of human nature's resitance to change, and as long as we are people it's going to be there.

Shewwww... Sometimes it's easier to be a sheeple than to have thought's. it may stir up the unknown and I'm to tired and lazy to deal with that. :)
"Education makes a people easy to lead
but difficult to drive: easy to govern, but impossible to enslave."
-Peter Brougham

Being an engineer I must say that I have yet to see any actual scientific data. Its amazing that this idea has grown while it is in direct violation of two Laws of Motion as defined by Newton. Not only that but it is in direct conflict with the First law of thermodynamics as well as the second.

One of the most famous "free energy" or perpetual motion machines is a watch that was designed by James Cox. To the uneducated eye it would appear that his watch would run using zero energy. However to educated eye it is easily apparant the device is ran off the barometric pressure differeneces that are caused when the temperature rises and drops during the day.

My point is that you cant be fooled by what your eyes show you all the time. There are forces in this world that cant be seen but yet still have physical interactions with us everyday. With careful manipulation of these invisible variables you could easily make something look like something else.

But what do I know, who knows maybe I am the "them" or "they" or even "the man". If I am i need to ask for a pay raise :)
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Newsflash!!!! Study of tubeamps by guitar players have taken an amazing turn and solved the world energy crisis.

Talking to myself: Bill & Ted were doing an "most" excellent job of this 25 years ago :) (of course Vai was secretly behind it) :)
You cannot create energy from nothing. You can only convert it. The cool thing is that all matter has energy (atoms vibrating around). Every single one of these "Free Energy Devices" runs off converting energy of some type of source into kinetic energy. I'm a bit of a nut when it comes to these things and have been reading, watching videos, etc since I was 8 years old and invented regenerative breaking*. In most of the cases, it's converting magnetic force into kinetic energy. They're not even shy about admitting there are massive magnets in the device most times. Magnets are great and all, but they ARE A FUEL SOURCE and the energy to create magnets cannot be less than the energy derived from the magnet itself. If you think otherwise, Maxwell would like a word with you.

*Side Note: I'm serious. I still have the drawings from the late 80's. My dad didn't believe me and tossed it off as kid doesn't understand physics saying "When you're 18, we'll take it to a car company" and at 17yrs old it's best of what's new in popular science... damn it dad... I have had several inventions since then that were also written off as stupid and then subsequently invented. I guess it runs in my family as my cousin/godfather has had several experiences, though he was smart enough to act on his and has made a decent living inventing, creating companies, then selling them off when he thinks of something new. I have a small invention in the works right now I'm actually running with, well, leisurely walking with.
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