side topic from Cliff's interview

I'll take that with a grain of salt. Here's a little salt for you.
In the states there is a group of ppl called the "Amish". They don't use modern medicine or technology (so no axe-fx for them :p). They dont eat fast food, or GMO's, they grow their own food and raise their own animals. What's special about them is their cancer and autistic rates are virtually zero. Its a phenomenon that baffles most ppl, educated or not. Im am not saying you are wrong or I have any kind of true answer. But the fact remains that more Americans (and increasingly in other nations) are dieing from cancer then EVER and I mean EVER before. Something is up.
RE: Amish and Autism. This article (I can present other citations, many with deeper medical/technical discussion/citation, if so desired).

Autism is a spectrum *disorder* (deviation), and is under great scrutiny right now. There is a *sect* of researchers that are putting forth the idea that there are "multiple autisms." As an Autistic girl, I agree with their assessment. As for the Amish: IMO, with a lower "overloading impact" aspect of life, I would expect *symptoms* of Autism to be exhibited by far less numbers. I have my own theories, and while mostly correlative (due to lack of deep neurological, physiological, etc knowledge), it has helped in understanding myself. Do the Amish observe the same numbers of (seeming) "alternate conscious state" types (some might label as: severe; withdrawal from reality, non-verbally communicative, etc)? I would be surprised if they did. As I said, with a far lower "intense world" level presented tot heir population, the resulting early life manifestation would likely be far lower, and in manifestation, present as *less severe* (comparatively, of course).

Please: Autism and vaccinations is a dead issue, save for those who refuse to let it be. I do not want to turn this thread into a debate over that. The oversaturation of misinformation is... reprehensible.
I'll take that with a grain of salt. Here's a little salt for you.
In the states there is a group of ppl called the "Amish". [snip] What's special about them is their cancer and autistic rates are virtually zero.

Please don't let facts get in the way of a passionate argument. A quick Google check indicates the Amish cancer rates are a long way from "zero". Due to their non-consumption of tobacco they tobacco-related cancer rates are only 37% of the general population. Otherwise their cancer rates are 73% of the general population.

No-one should be baffled by this. Sedentary lifestyles, combined with high consumption of saturated fats and chemical food additives are all well-established as strong influences on the development of cancer. This is not news - science has known it since at least the 1950's. People are choosing to not change their behaviour, hence cancer rates are rising. The Amish are living proof of what clean food and exercise achieves.
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Goolge apparently has spoken.

No the studies I discovered using Google have spoken. Had you bothered to do the same, you would have found the same. It took me less than a minute to find quality, peer-reviewed scientific studies about Amish cancer rates, which indicated that your statement "Amish cancer rates are zero" was without foundation. (I didn't investigate the autism rates so no comment there).

If and when you have something meaningful to say which is backed by actual evidence, then I'll continue the debate. Until then, I'm out.
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