What amp are you using here?
Are you set-up in 4cm?
Did you go through the factory presets at all?
You set-up what FX are “Pre” (before) & “Post” (After the FX loop) in each preset.
In a preset you can go to each scene (1-8) & “Save” what you want On/Off in that specific Scene. The 8-Scene buttons are already displayed in each preset, but you need to go into each one & tell the device what you want to happen & then SAVE the preset every time you edit it in each scene.
On the Footswitch page you assign (Drag & Drop) what FX Block Or Scene you want to show up on the read out screen of the preset.
This is how I assign mine & like them to look in the final form. I like my Scenes set on the bottom w/ a “Filter” Boost on button #4. Then I only assign the blocks that I might want to access during a gig in each preset. There are other FX blocks being used that I don’t have showing up on the main screen because I don’t need them to. FYI
This example of my “Heavy” Preset shows what’s going on in Scene #1. The drive pedal, Delay & Reverb are all saved to an ON position w/ the Chorus set to OFF & No Filter boost.
Again, I do all of this on the FX8 Edit software.....
Each page is very specific as to what you do & or set-up.
Downloading a few “User” presets is also a great learning tool, but 1st you need to figure out if everything is plugged in correctly for your amp & set-up.
It takes a little bit of time to understand the layout & format. You should use FX8 Edit to start off, it will give you a visual idea of what’s going on.
Once you’re in 4cm & have the basics set-up, creating Scenes is easy on the editor.
If you are actually in 4-Cable mode & the Delay & Reverb seem OFF on your drive channel, double check that those FX are set as “Post”. Some of the Factory Presets are set for “Pre” only & maybe you started with one of these.
There are also some great threads here that will help you, but the manual is really your friend at all times.
If you’re in a Michigan, I’d love to help you out. I can & will also help you off-Line through e-mail or PM’s as well.
I’ll post a thread of mine that has a lot of good information & examples.....but the best advice I can give is to just take your time.....& once you get it....you’ll really get it!
Good luck on your tone quest.
These may be of some help: