Everything is set properly, on the IIC+, IV, Triaxis, even the Lonestar. I even uploaded some presets on Axe Change a couple of years ago with settings Petrucci actually used along the years.
My personal presets are based on them with some tweaks, due to my ears, my taste and my needs.
As I said, I tried all possible Mesa IRs available for free (well I actually bought a 2 cab packs from OwnHammer on sale too) and in a way they all sounds different, but in another way they all sounds too harsh and bright. Playing a fixed note or chord, they all have this..how can I say, harmonic, sub note, on the high end that slightly differs in pitch from IR to IR that reminds me the idea of a motorcycle
I know it's hard but I hope I gave the idea..maybe I'm talking about different voices.
Those IRs are very rich in sounds, maybe "too rich" and I like them more if I lower the High Cut in the cab block, but even with these tweak, I don't find the "creaminess" of the Petrucci V30 Mix.
You say that it's crap..well if you see the spectrum it gives a very well balanced sounds, at least with my presets, almost flat in the midrange, with the right amount of basses and (at least for my years) trebs. Talking about mixing, when I use this preset I almost leave the EQ as is. The guitars stay where they're supposed to be, let the other instruments breathe.
But it's not gold, and here I am, searching something with the same feel but better balanced and with some more control..and with this question in mind: why is it so different compared to all the others?
Last two things:
- I'm not in search of the specific Petrucci's tone in a specific songs, which I can say is not his genuine tone, but his tone after the mix and the master. And I try to avoid tone matching anything, it's something I don't like and it's the same reason why I'm not into the Kemper..
- I opened this thread in the middle of recording the intro of Our New World, trying to replicate that beautiful stereo sounds and if you listen to it, you'll find a very rich tone but not too bright and you'll see that with the Petrucci V30 Mix you will get much closer then the stock cabs from Mikko, OH and Fractal.
Maybe on these days I will post something to hear!