OwnHammer Speaker Cabinets Public Beta (free stuff inside)

Are there still plans to do the Mesa 4x12 soon?

412 Mesa V32 and Bogner V31 are next, yes. Despite previous statements, I've given it more thought and believe I will be continuing to offer the libraries in the "in development" state with weekly updates. I'm also looking to do 2 cabs at the same time, doing the more useful sections/mics first. I think it will help my now highly exacerbated insomnia to know that the (in my opinion) two most important libraries are going to be available in some way much sooner. I want these things out and done probably more than you guys!

Hi there,
too many posts here to read them all....lost overview.
Just one question. I love the warm and fat IRs from the beta. Awesome stuff.
Which one is similar to that now, the classic stuff or the modern or what or can't I buy something similar jet?
Any help much appreachiated.
Check out Ownhammer's post #694. The changes are explained there.

Thank you very much. You still have the overview it seems.
Got to create my fat and warm presets myself.
BTW, does somebody here know a way how to bake in my eqs into the IR, all that mixing softwares allow parallel mixes only, an eq in font or after the cab part isn't possible?
Thank you very much. You still have the overview it seems.
Got to create my fat and warm presets myself.
BTW, does somebody here know a way how to bake in my eqs into the IR, all that mixing softwares allow parallel mixes only, an eq in font or after the cab part isn't possible?

You can make a row in the grid with EQ and cabinet block and then tone match it and export as an IR.
BTW, does somebody here know a way how to bake in my eqs into the IR, all that mixing softwares allow parallel mixes only, an eq in font or after the cab part isn't possible?

In addition to fenderbender's solution, if you have some EQ curves in the form of an IR you can use the serial convolution portion of the IR Mixing section in aomDSP where it specifies defining a "Filter". If you don't have the app yet, download the demo first as there appear to have been MS updates in the late fall/early winter that break compatibility. Due to the passing of the developer, however, the app is at final version and this issue(s) cannot be resolved.
In addition to fenderbender's solution, if you have some EQ curves in the form of an IR you can use the serial convolution portion of the IR Mixing section in aomDSP where it specifies defining a "Filter". If you don't have the app yet, download the demo first as there appear to have been MS updates in the late fall/early winter that break compatibility. Due to the passing of the developer, however, the app is at final version and this issue(s) cannot be resolved.

Kevin, weren't you planning on eventually coming out with some IR's for studio "preset" EQ's, too? Things like commonly-used high pass filters shot with quality studio gear? Some of those items (Pultecs, etc) impart their own mojo to the sound that would be really cool to mix in...
In addition to fenderbender's solution, if you have some EQ curves in the form of an IR you can use the serial convolution portion of the IR Mixing section in aomDSP where it specifies defining a "Filter". If you don't have the app yet, download the demo first as there appear to have been MS updates in the late fall/early winter that break compatibility. Due to the passing of the developer, however, the app is at final version and this issue(s) cannot be resolved.

Hi, thanks.
I couldn't get aomDSP running, tried it on two different Win7 pcs, also under certain compatibily settings and on a old XP pc, no luck.

I have been considering about fenderbender's solution....would I keep the original degree of detail doing so? I mean, the TMA is high resolution, ok, but the original cabs have the same resolution...considering about nyquist, wouldn't I need an even higher resolution to fit the TMAs resolution?

I remember many years back, when you tried to take a video from a usual CRT television which had 25 pics per second, your video was flickering. You needed a TV that showed 50 or more pics per second, to get the needed 25 pics per second on your vid.

Or isn't that relevant here? Do I have a wrong understanding about IRs?
Kevin, weren't you planning on eventually coming out with some IR's for studio "preset" EQ's, too? Things like commonly-used high pass filters shot with quality studio gear? Some of those items (Pultecs, etc) impart their own mojo to the sound that would be really cool to mix in...

I don't know that I'd call them presets, more filters. When I think presets I think multiple bands doing multiple things to achieve a certain effect for a specific purpose. However yes, I am going to be doing some outboard gear sampling this month, among other things like starting a couple new cab libraries.

I have been considering about fenderbender's solution....would I keep the original degree of detail doing so? I mean, the TMA is high resolution, ok, but the original cabs have the same resolution...considering about nyquist, wouldn't I need an even higher resolution to fit the TMAs resolution?

I remember many years back, when you tried to take a video from a usual CRT television which had 25 pics per second, your video was flickering. You needed a TV that showed 50 or more pics per second, to get the needed 25 pics per second on your vid.

Or isn't that relevant here? Do I have a wrong understanding about IRs?

I'm not sure if this was directed at me, but I couldn't tell you. My assumption is that the tone match block only captures frequency and phase, which would negate any "room" or "space". I guess that would work for a live environment? I'd never do something like that for a recording though. In any case, I need to defer this to the Axe-Fx users/experts.


Just wanted to check in as I've been off the map the last couple weeks. The ENTIRETY of last week was spent doing hundreds of captures for the Auxiliary stuff, and weeding it all down to (IIRC) 9 captures. This week my day job kicked my rear end, and in the time I had away from that I needed to work on something I had promised to have finished by the end of January for a friend of mine in the guitar gear field (Jaded Faith Mods). If anyone cares, it was a quick demo of something to help advertise an upcoming mod of his, which I took a couple minutes after I was done to throw something together:

320 kbps mp3 here

I was hard pressed for time, so as you can tell this is nothing special, but doesn't sound too hateful. Clams and a couple sour notes, I'm rusty when all I do is record these darn sine sweeps!!! :)

Unless struck by lightning, I should have the first library out of the way and finished by end of next week. I wasn't expecting to put so much R&D into the Auxiliary stuff, but the end results were WELL worth it.

Ok, last self initiated update from me on this thread, I promise.

The captures are finished, and in the end came down to 12:


"A" is in a medium sized treated room, with distances no more than 1 meter from the cab, using mostly condenser mics.
"B" is in a larger sized untreated room, with distances no less than 1 meter from the cab, using entirely ribbon mics.

All in all I probably spent 2-3 weeks on exploration, experimentation, and fine tuning, and made sure the processes were going to be repeatable for the sake of consistency, as much as one can expect from such an organic process of distance micing anyway.

I hope to have these put together and on the site in the next 24-36 hours, at which point the only thing left to do is the PDF Manual.

After that it's just going to be rinse & repeat, rinse & repeat, rinse & repeat, rinse & repeat, rinse & repeat, rinse & repeat, rinse & repeat, rinse & repeat... :roll
Freaking out now - this is great. Can't wait till these are available and then it's V2 OH time for other speaker types... really excited here. Go Kevin go!
...and then it's V2 OH time for other speaker types...

My thoughts to the n'th. After 3 straight months with this speaker you could say, and it would be a gross understatement, that I'm looking forward to moving on to other things, especially the things I haven't really told anybody about yet, muhahahaha. :)

As much as I love the process of creating new things, I'm ready for some repetition for a few months... Thanks for hanging in there with me guys, greatly appreciated, and hope you enjoy all that's to come!
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