not sure about the new delay mix law

I like my delays in parallel, so luckily this change does not affect my presets. Which makes it easy for me to say that I approve of the new law. It makes more sense to me than how it was before.

Still, this thread got me thinking that it could come in very handy to have a little app that's able to batch process multiple presets, changing the old mix ratios to the new ones for example. :)
For once, it's nice to feel as though I had 'future-proofed' with my Preset construction approach!

My last rebuild session in 11b resulted in the following (Reverb and Delay Blocks all set to 100% wet and blended to taste via a Mixer Block :eagerness:)


That won't work for everyone and more complex approaches etc, but it would suit many

I like this approach in that you can tune your "mixes" in one block, without switching around between blocks etc... I might have to try this.... One assumption.... the mixer keeps the overall level constant regardless of mix levels, correct? So, here you can assign your modifiers to the "Gain" control of the mixer?
One assumption.... the mixer keeps the overall level constant regardless of mix levels, correct? So, here you can assign your modifiers to the "Gain" control of the mixer?

I'm not sure exactly what your first question is, but yes to the second--you can use modifiers to adjust the mix of the 4 rows.
I'm not sure exactly what your first question is, but yes to the second--you can use modifiers to adjust the mix of the 4 rows.

sorry, my first question is ... If you adjust the levels of the mix channels (1 through 4) via the "gain" control, will the signal level coming out of the mixer change? Or does it keep the total level constant regardless of mix levels?
The fx are all running 100% wet, so only channel 2 on the mixer will affect the overall level, because that's the one carrying the dry signal.
If you adjust the levels of the mix channels (1 through 4) via the "gain" control, will the signal level coming out of the mixer change? Or does it keep the total level constant regardless of mix levels?
If you adjust the levels of the individual mixer channels, you will affect the output of the mixer. That's how mixers work. :)

Example: if the sound guy turns up the fader on the keyboard channel, the overall volume in the house will get louder.
I had a chance to play some of V11 Bank A last night.

The delays seem to be more touch sensitive? The harder I play the more prominent the echoes. More so than normal.

It might just be the preceding blocks, the amps etc. are more dynamic so the delay is seeing a wider input range.

If that is true that really sucks! haven't updated yet so I can't confirm. Don't want a touch sensitive delay because it is much harder to control.
FWIW, I have run parallel delays since the Standard days. Just worked.

When I program for other people, I've done serial and parallel; but had to bump the output levels in serial (usually +3db or +6db depending on the level of delay they wanted).

Tonight, I took one of my presets and played (yea AE v.3!) with moving my delay into series and trying the new mix law... I like it. I liked it so much I re-programmed all my own presets to use the delay in serial routing for the first time since 2007.

Just really easy to dial in, I can still feed one line directly out to the output and another into the reverb block and that worked great for what I wanted.

So... yea, it's work. I had to update my entire bank, one preset at a time and since I was also altering my modifier curve (for the wet/dry mix via the "Ingain" on the delay block) for my expression pedal (I lowered the mid-point to 27% to allow for a more gentle curve). The editor makes this much easier to do. Total time = 20 minutes of very focused work and my use of global blocks helped me out too. I have about 30 personal presets that I run with.
simeon, while I'm in favour of the mix law changes, I do completely empathize with you man. I know what kind of crazy textural stuff you're doing and how nuts your patches must be.

The upside: Axe-Edit is going to make ripping through and tweaking them a heckuva lot faster than the front panel.
simeon, while I'm in favour of the mix law changes, I do completely empathize with you man. I know what kind of crazy textural stuff you're doing and how nuts your patches must be.

The upside: Axe-Edit is going to make ripping through and tweaking them a heckuva lot faster than the front panel.

thanks man, but the complexity of any patch is actually irrelevant. if it has a delay in line, then roughly halve the mix level (or use the formula to be exact). the time element comes in because of the sheer number of them and the fact that mix is often tied to an external, so you have to change two values instead of one. i'll upgrade at the beginning of next week and pound through it. shouldn't take too long, really, especially with AE3
funny.. completely by accident I ran into the same thing with my delay settings last night..
for various reasons, I have little choice but to place the delay in series..
my modifier max setting was 27% - which prior to fw11.0 was moderately strong.. but in fw11.0 was very very strong..
I backed it down to something like what I remembered it to sound like..
I came up with the value of 18%.. pretty much half what it was before...

having seen the "half it" rule in here.. I may try backing it off to something like 14%..
thanks for the tip guys..
I prefer the series approach and had to compensate with bumping the level on delay and reverb. I have not checked my presets yet but I always adjust by ear. Great discussion.
my modifier max setting was 27% - which prior to fw11.0 was moderately strong.. but in fw11.0 was very very strong..
I backed it down to something like what I remembered it to sound like..
I came up with the value of 18%.. pretty much half what it was before...

having seen the "half it" rule in here.. I may try backing it off to something like 14%..
thanks for the tip guys..

The formula isn't just halving the old value. 27% old law = 18.5% new law.
funny.. completely by accident I ran into the same thing with my delay settings last night..
for various reasons, I have little choice but to place the delay in series..
my modifier max setting was 27% - which prior to fw11.0 was moderately strong.. but in fw11.0 was very very strong..
I backed it down to something like what I remembered it to sound like..
I came up with the value of 18%.. pretty much half what it was before...

having seen the "half it" rule in here.. I may try backing it off to something like 14%..
thanks for the tip guys..
that's exactly what i noticed. I'm pretty much a series only guy (it just works for me ya know, keep it simple) I guess I am gonna have to run through every patch and turn down the mix to taste. I hope there is an added option to revert to the old delay mix law in a future update. That way everybody's happy.
I love the new mix law and I think that it should be implemented for REVERB, MULTIDELAY, MEGATAP....

and maybe even PITCH.

This is over the heads of us newbs/casual users. Can you point to a document or URL for us to educate us?
Was it in the release notes and I didn't see it?

Thanks!! :)
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