not sure about the new delay mix law do you guys do it? do you make notes of all your previous mix settings? or do you make screenshots of the old Axe Edit with your old mix settings? Have to do 90 presets so I need a system.
Go to a preset, edit the Delay block, look at the setting, calculate the new setting, enter it in, and you're done. No need for screen shots and such.
Although I think the new way is the only way to go, I do feel simeon's pain. If I had to readjust all of the delay mix and levels for all of my presets, I think I would keep the old firmware. He is a power user. His presets are impressive to say the least, and I'm sure he has LOTS of them. I know what he is up against. Even a db here or there can make all the difference.
For once, it's nice to feel as though I had 'future-proofed' with my Preset construction approach!

My last rebuild session in 11b resulted in the following (Reverb and Delay Blocks all set to 100% wet and blended to taste via a Mixer Block :eagerness:)


That won't work for everyone and more complex approaches etc, but it would suit many
i think what frustrates me about this, is i didn't think it was broken before and didn't really need "fixing". all other processors work with a linear crossfade between dry and wet and if you didn't like it, there was a simple workaround. it's just lots of extra work. i'll do it and move on, but i won't feel good about it while i'm doing it :)
FWIW, I always set the mix levels in the delay and reverb blocks to 50/50, and use other means to control the level of the effect. This is because I never liked the behavior of the mix control (on the Ultra). I boost the overall level by 6 db to compensate for the difference in dry level.
Yeah I'm going to have to redo around 100 presets this weekend as I've tied the mix and level to one controller so that my level was always consistent, but this will free up a modifier and make things less complex so I welcome this change.
Bakerman's response to my old (serial) delay mix settings seemed to be right on with converting them to the new law. An equation for this would be if (x) is your pre-FW11 mix percentage then 50(x)/100-(x) should give you the new setting, however if the original mix setting is above 50% this would change. Thanks again Bakerman for your help!

Thanks guitarsrule and Bakerman. To summarize:

For pre FW11 serial delay mix settings below 50% the "new" setting would be:

For pre FW11 serial delay mix settings above 50% the "new" setting would be:
I had a chance to play some of V11 Bank A last night.

The delays seem to be more touch sensitive? The harder I play the more prominent the echoes. More so than normal.

It might just be the preceding blocks, the amps etc. are more dynamic so the delay is seeing a wider input range.

Kind of took me back because for me, the bank A presets, the stripped down ones, using don't have enough efx for my taste. I was wailing away an the delay was almost as loud as the dry signal.
I had a chance to play some of V11 Bank A last night.

The delays seem to be more touch sensitive? The harder I play the more prominent the echoes. More so than normal.

It might just be the preceding blocks, the amps etc. are more dynamic so the delay is seeing a wider input range.

Kind of took me back because for me, the bank A presets, the stripped down ones, using don't have enough efx for my taste. I was wailing away an the delay was almost as loud as the dry signal.

Have exactly the same and in line with what simeon mentioned before i have to retweak all of my presets. I also am not a big fan of the new delay mix
My needs are few so I would say I'm neither fan nor foe of the new mix law.

I'm one of the very few bread n' butter preset folks. Not a lot of gnashing for me to make changes.
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