No Smoothing???

I tried CabLab 3. The FM9 doesn't show up as a device to connect to. It shows up as an audio device, and the test button works. But I can't connect CabLab 3 to it. All other Fractal devices do show up, however. Don't know how to proceed here. Why is the FM9 the only device missing? Beyond frustrating.
I tried CabLab 3. The FM9 doesn't show up as a device to connect to. It shows up as an audio device, and the test button works. But I can't connect CabLab 3 to it. All other Fractal devices do show up, however. Don't know how to proceed here. Why is the FM9 the only device missing? Beyond frustrating.
Possibly the FM9 didn't exist yet the last time CabLab3 was updated?
So far, the least painful method I've found for Smoothed IRs on the FM9:

Use my Axe III's Synth block (white noise) as input to the desired cab (with Smoothing) and subsequent Tone Match block. Capture the Tone Match and export it. Import into the FM9. PITA compared to turning a knob, especially if you have to do it hundreds of times.

Anyone have a better suggestion? I'm trying to find solutions with what I do have rather than focus on what I don't have.
That's pretty much what I do. Although I switched to using a sine-sweep with the 'Averaging Time' parameter maxed out. It seems to yield more accurate results? I have a bunch of extra blocks on the reference path so that I can bake-in any other EQs.

Just note that any exported IR will go through some kind of normalizing process. You will need to set your Cab block Level to around +5 dB to be similar in volume to any other IRs.
I tried CabLab 3. The FM9 doesn't show up as a device to connect to. It shows up as an audio device, and the test button works. But I can't connect CabLab 3 to it. All other Fractal devices do show up, however. Don't know how to proceed here. Why is the FM9 the only device missing? Beyond frustrating.
Can you not export to an IR on your computer then import?
I tried CabLab 3. The FM9 doesn't show up as a device to connect to. It shows up as an audio device, and the test button works. But I can't connect CabLab 3 to it. All other Fractal devices do show up, however. Don't know how to proceed here. Why is the FM9 the only device missing? Beyond frustrating.
IIRC the FM units can only connect to one device at a time. I have never really messed with Cab Lab. If you have the editor connected, can you also connect to Cab Lab at the same time?
IIRC the FM units can only connect to one device at a time. I have never really messed with Cab Lab. If you have the editor connected, can you also connect to Cab Lab at the same time?
First thing I tried was to disconnect and shut down everything else. The FM9 is the only product that doesn't even show up in the dropdown list. Undoubtedly because it was developed after Cab-Lab 3 was discontinued. The FM3 is there.
@steadystate - did you try this from Cab-Lab 3?
Sure, I can do that. But Cab-Lab 3 won't communicate with the FM9, disabling many features. I will still have the II and the III (and even the Ultra). No matter what Fractal releases in the future, the II will always be more than good enough for gigs, and the III will always be more than good enough for critical recording. My fly rig will be less efficient, but that's ok. Thanks to everyone for your input. It's truly appreciated.
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A friend just agreed to give me a zero-interest loan with generous payback terms (so I won't have to sell my III to pay for it). So I think I'm going to keep it. The lack of Smoothing is a major PITA for me, but I'll just build things up slowly. The FM9 has so many things going for it that I don't want to pass on.
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