No Smoothing???

If you use only one of the two IR slots in the FM9 you can try to create a smoothed version of your IR (with AXE FX III or third party software) with smoothing pretty high and then blend between the original IR and the smoothed one in the cab block. This would allow quick tweaking on the device...
Of course it would be great to have smoothing on a dial in the FM9, like it would be great to have Tone Match or an RTA Block. If, as has been suggested, the FM9 can't quite do these things due to hardware limitations, there are ways to achieve the required end result that actually aren't that onerous :)
there are ways to achieve the required end result that actually aren't that onerous :)
They are in his situation which is what it's mostly about...

Besides, in comparisons between units I have never spotted that some don't have smoothing, but this could easily be my oversight...
They are in his situation which is what it's mostly about...
I guess some people have more free time than others. Or perhaps they simply don't grasp the amount of work and time that is actually required when setup, capture, export, import, and save as user is multiplied hundreds of times.... as opposed to turning a knob. The time and effort saved is more than worthy of a feature request.
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My point is, if it isn't achievable for whatever reason there are fairly straightforward ways to work around it. I hope it is achievable. Likewise I find myself agreeing with lots of feature requests in principle, but I know that in practice they aren't realistic or likely to reach the units for quite some time. Hopefully that's not the case with this one. Maybe add it as a Wish so others can upvote it.

Smoothing is not something I personally use all that much. You obviously use it a lot, so under those circumstance I can see how loading an IR into something like Cabinetron and playing Amp only through that until you achieve the required tone could seem tedious by comparison, but when I play around with IRs I'm generally doing quite a bit more than just tweaking smoothing, so for me the entire process is all rolled up into one tweaking exercise, and then it's done.

If the smoothing knob is your "makes everything better" setting it's definitely something you're going to miss. For me that would be the EQ Block, but that again requires more time so probably wouldn't suit either. I think initially you said something like you were worried you'd have to send the FM9 back, which seemed a bit extreme, so that's why I was suggesting alternative ways of achieving the sound you're looking for :)
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