New Axe FX II video at NY amp show

I remember a gentleman named "Ivan" setting a camera down while he was playing. This must be the result. I hear myself yapping in the background.
I should hire this guy to do a promotional video for us - ten minutes of Axe FX II and all you can see is KickTags! Haha!!

Regardless, great to hear the beast wailing for 10 straight minutes. Can't wait to get my hands on one...

Interesting - it's cool to hear Matt talking in the background, "Oh no, the noise police!"

For a camera mic recording, it's cool. The view point chosen to shoot it is... interesting; but hey, everyone's a critic! The kicktags on the MFC look cool - that's probably the best view of them you'll get.

Sounds cool to me. You can't communicate feel through the clips though. From listening to other's clips now, it's just not something that you can 'hear' on playback.

Cool stuff - thanks for sharing!
Sukh, I'll tell u this much when I went into the room I def thought to myself "my mfc is gonna look awesome in about a week when I get mine in mail"

Cliff, Matt - I stepped out the room when u guys did the premiere interview. Was it interactive with someone playing stuff on the ii or just fillin them in on specs and stuff.
Wow!! From what we can heard here, the cab sims have definitly improve, more 3 dimensional, you can hear more definition and depht, can't wait to try the beast!!
5:43 : I'd pay the asking price for that tone alone *drools* And yes I am a huge Steve Vai fan ;) Great demo and thanks !
I'm a member of the IEEE and honestly IMHO the chorus sounded flat and thin, like a tone pancake with lots of digital stuff.

I've got a "2" behind me right now and the chorus is totally bad ass. The CE-2 setting just takes me back to 1985 all over again. No BS. And I should know, I was there in 1985. ;) :D
I'm a member of the IEEE and honestly IMHO the chorus sounded flat and thin, like a tone pancake with lots of digital stuff.
You arrived at that conclusion from a camcorder/phone (tuned for voice BTW) recording with full room reflections/ambiance included, then compressed for a youtube upload?? Seriously??
You can tell that from a camcorder/phone (tuned for voice BTW) recording with full room reflections/ambiance included, then compressed for a youtube upload?? Seriously??

Yes and my expert credentials back it up, it's impressive but night and day between the real thing. And anyway, this is the ultimate setting for an amp show, so of course I can tell.

(I had two full rows of those, but the forum only allows 5 in total.
Per post.)
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