MFC-101 Label Editor Coming "Soon"


Power User
Teaser thread for an upcoming MFC-101 label designer... This really is coming "soon"... actually "really, really, soon" hah!

Keep your eyes open for the official release and details regarding a label creation contest.



Ahh ... the ever-elusive "Talent" function will finally be available at our foot tips! :stupid:

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Nice !

but 2 Questions :

(1) to print on what paper (magnetic ?)
(2) how to cut out (espacially the middle ring)


Either works well... I did DIY magnets on one of mine about 9 months ago (from a power point), images are still in good shape but the thin magnet paper is starting to loose it's pull. It's alright I changed my layout several times since then but labels still have old functions in some cases so time to print new ones. My other board never leaves the house so right now it just has paper ones sitting on it... I'll probably tape them if I feel up to it. On my friends board he just likes text labels and we just put scotch tape over and they have held up great.

As far as cutting... I recommend sharp scissors or an x acto knife if magnet paper... Next time I'll try the center hole with a step bit... rest is easy with scissors.
For me, the magnetic Paper I bought didn't really worked well enough.
And for the cutting, with an x acto knife I didnt get the center hole as round as needed. Especially on magnetic paper.
I would like to know what the professional LabelMaker here use, both - paper and for cutting.

(excuse my poor english)
Argh my finger!!! Industrial strength pro labels are considerably thicker than a home inkjet printer can handle, magnetic properties are much stronger, their surface/ink is much more durable, and as mentioned you need the jaws of life to manufacture them :shock All of the manufacturers on the forum have great reputations for offering extremely high quality labels for those that require heavy duty.
Not to understand me wrong, I wish all the professional LabelMaker as many customers as possible.

I simply like to do things by myself. Even if I do not get it right, there is always something I learn.
I ended up laminating the printed paper and put it on the board with doublesided tape.
But the problem with cutting is still there.

And that's exactly the desire that, 4 years ago, set me off on a 6 month quest, a lot of awful mistakes (some very expensive), tons of wasted material, countless all-nighter sessions at my computer learning design and machine management software, numerous failed attempts with external manufacture, in-house machinery experiments and failures, just to produce a single set of labels for myself that did what I needed.

Worth every bit of ball-ache :)
Jason, is there a way to save the configuration with our colors/images/text, etc? It'd be great to be able to recall it later after printing or whatever without having to keep the app open. I know we can save the syx file, will that save our labels?

I bet u would :)

As far as your desire to know about cutting - the answer is simple: Machinery. Professional grade, powerful, expensive machinery :)


Yep. Exactly right. Lots of time spent figuring out the best way to cut. r&D on different types of products, magnets, laminate types.

I originally made my own labels with staples magnet paper which only lasted a few months of moderate use. Plus my hand cuts were horrendous with an xacto knife.

Plus....I spent more on materials than I would have just buying premade labels from a manufacture. That's what let bill and I to manufacture our own labels and offer them to the fractal community.

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I started doing my own labels a while back. I bought some high-end magnet backed paper (cannot remember where I got it, this was a while ago), made my templates (savable & reusable) in Photoshop and Bob's your uncle, homemade yet pro fit and finish MFC labels. Not one has ever come off, the colors are still vibrant and all are still as nice as when I first crafted them.

As to cutting, it's actually pretty simple-

You can go the easy route with the edges and just leave 'em all straight, or do what I did which is use a straight edge and Exacto than round the corners and the LED cutout with a good pair of shears. The switch hole was pretty simple to do with a compass cutter, available at any craft store.

The secret to cutting anything is a sharp blade. Don't try to make a zillion cuts with the same blade, switch 'em out frequently.

Note- still think Sascha's VH Phase & Flange labels and Tuner label are the bomb, so they are a mainstay on the board. :) Here's a shot of my 1966 Batman labels (with a little Hornet & Jimi thrown in for good measure)....

Jason, is there a way to save the configuration with our colors/images/text, etc? It'd be great to be able to recall it later after printing or whatever without having to keep the app open. I know we can save the syx file, will that save our labels?


Great question! Yes, when you save it saves the label design too! The design is saved in documents/fedit/filename.mfclabel
When you open your saved .syx it will automatically open the .mfclabel by the same name if it exists.

So if needed, you could copy any documents/.mfclabel file to match the name of a different .syx file and then it would load with that file. I'll add that ability to load an alternate file in the next release.

Information stored is as follows:
Should it use IA Function or Names stored in .syx file, or a custom text will store in the .mfclabel file
(Note that IA functions and Names are always read from the .syx, only custom text is stored in file)
Stores all colors for text, boarders, and fills
Stores location of any image files used

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