Loss of Volume w/Delay

Jerry K.

I like to assign my delay mix to an expression pedal. I have noticed that when I put the pedal amount to full (usually this means around a 16 to 20% mix) the volume drops just a little. Any advice?

When the delay is in series, I assign the mix to 50/50, boost the level by 6dB, and adjust the delay level with the delay input level parameter.
I almost always use delay blocks in parallel with a mixer block following it. steadystate's method sounds like it would work well also.
In the second one the repeats would be your clean unprocessed guitar sound because there's nothing else happening on the way to/from the delay block.
I wish there was an option for constant (unity gain) dry volume in the delay and reverb blocks. This method of unity gain mixing works really well IMHO for most blocks (drive, comp, phase, even chorus and flange), but not for delay & reverb. The global reverb mix level is useless to me for the same reasson (yes you could adjust the master volume to compensate, and guess the adjustment needed for FOH send or hope the sound-guys are really on the ball and do it themselves).
I wish there was an option for constant (unity gain) dry volume in the delay and reverb blocks. This method of unity gain mixing works really well IMHO for most blocks (drive, comp, phase, even chorus and flange), but not for delay & reverb. The global reverb mix level is useless to me for the same reasson (yes you could adjust the master volume to compensate, and guess the adjustment needed for FOH send or hope the sound-guys are really on the ball and do it themselves).

I've been thinking about this. One possibility is the dry is constant until the mix is 50% and then decreases.
Harder to do with Delay controlled by an exp.pedal.

This is why I put my delay blocks in parallel, except mine isn't controlled by exp pedal but by pitch. Off the top of my head, set the level to what I want it to max out at (mix at 100% of course, being in parallel 'n' whatnot), and then use pitch to control the input gain parameter.
Yes agreed, 100% wet delay and/or reverb in parallel with a shunt solves this problem, except that Global reverb & mix settings don't work as intended.
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