Introduction thread

Greetings all. Gerald Hinson here.

Just pulled the trigger on an Ultra. About to buy a floor controller and start selling off my hand-wired egnater and some other odds and ends.

Looking VERY forward to finally having a great modeling solution. This will be my 5th try at this (3 pods, 1 tonelab and something prior to that... Johnson? I forget.)
Hello to all from Sarajevo/Bosnia.

My name is Muris Varajic and I just ordered AxeFX Ultra from G66.
I have read nothing but amazing things about AxeFX so I simply had to try it.
So far I have Engl Souvereign 2x12 with T.C. G-Force in loop for gigs,
I also have Mesa 2:90, Triaxis, Rocktron Prophesy and Marshall 8008, dust collect gear.

Can't wait to try the unit and steal couple of tips/presets from you guys, cheers. :)
Hey guys! Wes from Indiana here. Just pulled the trigger and ordered my Ultra today. Soon I'll be getting a Liquid Foot Junior to control it. I play electric guitar in a couple of praise & worship teams at church and go direct to PA. Can hardly wait to get this thing! Graduating from a Boss GT-10 to the big time!:)

Excellent to have you here as well as TSB Wes :cool: . I haven't missed the GT10 for a single, solitary, uno, one-o, teeny tiny second ;)
I get the feeling there's a huge difference between the tones I was getting out of the GT-10 and what I'll get out of the Ultra. If it's good enough for you guys (and Lincoln Brewster, too), then it's good enough for this hack!:)

My name is Mark. I'm currently living in the Portland Oregon area. I just got my Axe-fx ULTRA a few hours ago. I just went through all the patches. Now the RTFM phase starts.

I've been around music since high school. I'm 58 now. I played rhythm guitar in a band that played school dances back then. It was the sixties. It was common to see bands like The Yardbirds, The Stones, Jimi Hendrix, The birds, The Beach Boys, and all the cool bands that frequented the San Fransisco music scene. I was always blown away by the guitar players.

Later in life I had a chance to do an internship in artist management and recording studio operations. I designed and built a world class studio in Clearwater Florida back then. We worked with a band called UROK. It made a big impression back then and when it signed to EMI records the name became The Hazies. So I have a strong recording background as well as a practical education on the pursuit of music careers. You might say that I would never want to perform live to the point that I would work hard enough to put an act together.

I discovered the Axe-fx ULTRA while reading posts at the Line-6 forum, just two months ago. Now I have a red cow pie (Pod-xt) that looks like it could skip across a lake with at least 10 hops before having a desired effect. Maybe those things will float? I just noticed that on my new black box that it says "ULTRA." So what does that stand for? Capital letters makes me think that there might be a nice acronym for it. Maybe it's one of those shortened phrases that "text" real well on phones? (You'll Tra)de your other crap to get one of these.
Hello gang...the name is Terry.

I'm also a long time member of The Gear Page and have followed my fellow bald Axe slinger Mr. Scott Peterson over to the Fractal side.

I spent the better part of my late teens and twenties gigging with various bands and acquiring a ridiculous amount of gear. Now 31, recently married and relegated to my humble extra bedroom/music studio/man cave, "the rig" is just too much. We live in Southwest Florida about 20 minutes north of Naples. There is little to no music scene down here so instead of trying to form a new band I decided to try and do it all myself.

About a year ago I decided it was time to rethink my gear....consolidate. That search has brought me here. At this point, I'm overwhelmed at the possibilities...but all seem very promising.

Glad to be here!! :mrgreen:

I'm Tom, from Canada. I just purchased the Ultra and have it setup in the last day. I can't say anything new about how great this system is other than it's got me totally overwhelmed and amazed.

I look forward to delving into this forum!


Hi There,
Another One that is considering moving over to "The Dark Side" :lol:

Bound to have a load of questions so bear with me.
Hello everyone. I'm interested in the AxeFX after owning a BOSS GT8 & GT10, Rocktron G100, POD XT & X3, and Digidesign Eleven Rack. The Eleven Rack was really close to what I was looking for but I hated the software so much that I returned it and that's how I found out about AxeFX.

About me, well I'm an average player. I'm not as good as you guys who post all that awesome stuff in the Recordings forum, but I love to play the hell out of my guitars. I'm learning, practicing, and hope to have a pro band one day.

My musical tastes/influences are mainly Schenker, EJ, Maiden, Yngwie, etc..., but I'm also into a lot of Japanese metal/neoclassical bands like Ark Storm, Concerto Moon, etc... I'm just starting to discover the wealth of talent in Sweedish style bands too.

I pretty much love any NON-RAP music with a lot of guitar soloing.

Good to meet everyone. I'm looking forward to hanging out a bit and learning something from you dudes.

after a LOT of pacing around, I decided today was the day to get the ultra. so I ordered it. now the wait...
OK, here goes. My name is Henry Robinett. The last few years I've been residing over at the gearslutz forums. That's where I heard of the Fractal for the first time, maybe two months ago. I've owned the Ultra for about two weeks now. Love it.

I am different that most I've read here. I'm a jazz guitarist who will also play anything. I am also a professional at it. I also teach music in school and own a recording studio. Two actually. One in my home and another outside of it. But that one is basically a rehearsal/studio where we record my band and is also open for business. But it's primary business is to service the band.

I've never been an amp guy. The REASON I got the Fractal was because it was time to buy a new amp! I had three I had been using, and none had been purchased since 1988!

Boogie Quad with Randall 2-80 power amp attached to 10 spaces of digital effects rack. I only used this when I had to. It never broke down, it was just a PITA. That many devices in two racks, there's always some cable coming lose somewhere!

Seymour Duncan Convertible single 12. I love this amp, but since they haven't made it in years it was increasingly unreliable. It kept cracking. Always vid=siting my repair guy.

And an ACTUAL 1965 Deluxe Reverb. Years ago I had it modded by an incredible tech guy who developed his wn company and worked for Riveria when they modded Princetons. So this has been devalued, but it's an incredible amp and drops the jaw of an repairman who lays eyes and fingers on it. BUT it's also in the shop a lot. One thing after another.

So I may keep the Duncan and the DR in the studio for practice -- I don't know now. Emergencies in case the Fractal goes down? I'll planning on selling the Quad immediately. I'm using the Randall with the Ultra.

But WOW! The FRACTAL! I've always spent all my time on THE GUITAR, working my fingers, not the knobs on the amp or pedals. I'm actually glad I waited. The only pedal I've recently been using is the Carl Martin Quattro.

So about me: I've put out four CDs under my name back when there were actual labels and you bought them in retail outlets called stores. They were fusion, pre smooth jazz. I've been much more straight ahead jazz. The preset "Mr. Benson" is closest to my actual tone, with a touch of delay. Working on my next as we speak.

I started playing guitar at age 13 and have been playing professionally since age 16, back in 1972. Jimi Hendrix was the man and still plays an influence. I was just play voodoo Chile through the Ultra. So I can still rock!

I'm related to the great Charles Mingus, famous jazz bassist and composer. I lived with him for a few months back in the late 70s. Hung out and played with some of the greats in jazz. That was my masters degree.

I got signed in the mid 80s to a small label. Differences with the label forced me to invest more heavily in my studio, back in the early 90s and learn the craft. I also launched my own label and got international distribution! I actually signed other artists! That's no longer around, being that the paradigm has shifted to online. But it taught me just about all aspects of music and the music business. I know the subject of music, theory and reading very well and can teach it at the university level, even though I've ever gotten a degree myself. And I can run a label, or could and market anything, if I had the time.

Sorry to be so long winded. In the other forum it took many years for peeps to find out about me, in small piece meal dosages. I though I'd give the bulk in one place here. LOL. I don't think anyone has made it this far to read this whole thing! Anyway hello all! Glad to be here.
As my Axe-Fx Ultra is out for delivery, I thought I would join the forum and make my introduction.

The first thing that I'd like to say is that I am not a Guitar player. I play Keyboards and synthesizers with a focus on electronic music. I bought the Axe-Fx Ultra because, at its price point, it looks like the best possible effects machine I could buy. I am hoping I am not the *only one* out there...

I used to hang around Harmony Central quite a bit, and am a long time member of the Music Bar. If your into electronic music, then you have probably run into me on any of the bajillion internet forums and mailing lists I am active on. I also used to run Negative Gain Productions net label, but turned it over to one of the label Artists a number of years ago so I could take a break from music and focus on my other career and family.

If you want to hear some examples of what I am doing currently, some links are below:

NoiseTheorem (solo project)

Short To Ground (band)
facebook:!/page ... 3399824686

Take care, and I hope to see you around.
Greetings all.

I'm a bedroom player with an almost dead Line6 pod XT that no longer works with my brand new laptop running windows 7. The drivers have supposedly been updated but ... they don't damn work.

Rather than bother reinstalling Vista just so I can use a crappy fx unit to record I figure I'll just get me an Axe Fx for direct recording.

Can anyone recommend a good usb / esata soundcard to use with the Axe Fx?
Hey Guys,

My name is Chandra Maharzan and I am from Nepal. I bet if any of you have heard. Its where Mt Everest is if anyone is wondering. :)

So, I haven't yet bought the AxeFx but definitely eyeing on Ultra. Its not possible to get / ship it here but I am looking for every chance I get to grab this beast. I have been done with Digital Modelers and softwares but some sound samples I have heard really sounds like tube amps and I have heard a lot of positive feedbacks and people moving from tube amps to get AxeFx.

I am just too excited right now, I have been browsing and researching about it for 4 straight days now and satisfying myself hearing samples and reviews here.

Anyway, I will be around and hopefully, if anyone is coming to trek in Nepal, they can bring an AxeFx Ultra with them. ;)

I am currently using Mesa Triaxis and GForce but want to have a simple setup and forget about having to buy a 2:90 and a mesa recto cab.

Hi all,

I've been lurking for a while, just started posting this week and finally bought myself an Axe FX Ultra.
I get it tonight and have a VHT 2:50:2 incoming as well.

I am an Australian-born but London-based guitarist/producer/sound designer- I do mostly session guitar work and a bit of gigging these days, but I also teach, do guitar repairs and such.

I do a lot of loop guitar recording (that I call guitarscaping), but play most styles.
I've been working in the industry since 1993- had commercial studios in Australia, NYC, New Jersey, Switzerland and two in London.

In the last 10 years I have gone from having a rack from hell:


down to something a bit more manageable:


Even the smaller rig was pretty damn weighty.
The big rig was a bit of a nightmare- definitely studio only as I wasn't gigging much then.

I am paring down to just 3 items now:

Axe FX
Gibson/Oberheim Echoplex Digital Pro
VHT 2:50:2 power amp.

All controlled from a Voodoo Lab Ground Control Pro and pair of expression pedals.
I have high hopes for this rig- I've been very impressed with the sounds I've heard from it.
Main guitars are a pair of Chris Kinman Tele's form the late 80's, Tom Anderson Cobra T, '89 PRS Custom, hardtail HSS Strat and a Gibson ES295.

I will be here quite a bit while I get up to speed on the AFX, just wanted to say hi.

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