Introduction thread

It is time to introduce myself.

Emmanuel, french guy and happy owner of an Axe FX II since several months.
I post mainly on U2GT, the forum initiated by Michael (axeman).
I will not post a lot here I must admit, but i read everything ;)

I am not a brilliant guitarist, but the axe FX is in my opinion the absolut weapon to play at home.
I also have a pod HD500, which is in my opinion a brilliant machine too . I use it currently as midi controler, and it works flawlessly with the axe FX for changing preset and scenes.
I play guitar as hobby, and all that count for me is having fun tweaking my axe fx or recording some humble covers. I have nobody to impress, and I am generally very happy with what I have.
I have no fancy guitars, no fancy monitors or amps, and I can not make difference between drive at 3.07 or 3.11.
I could offer myself the Axe FX, and this is the best (and probably last) big investment I have made in music instrument so far.
I am VERY interested in understanding what makes every parameter, just for the fun of it.

I play almost exclusively U2 music with backtracks, so i could not be of any help for metal music.
I use currently only the Ac30, which i would like to approach as close as possible. But I am happy to have so much amps and FX available into the Axe FX.

Thanks to all of you which post positiv and always useful comments , especially on U2 oriented sound.
Of course, If i am happy with some of my preset, I will share them with you.

Once again, many thanks to everybody for sharing your experience.

Best regards
Hi Guys!

Sjoerd here, from Belgium. Basically got my Axe-Fx II XL yesterday, so I'm still figuring everything out. What I can say already is that I'm impressed with the sounds I've heard so far and the ease of tweakability of the unit. I didn't have to tweak a lot to get some really nice tones.

I am mainly a rock/metal guy, although the last few years I've been listening more and more to jazz music. I'll be using the Axe-Fx for recording/jamming at home through my studio monitors and I intend to use it also for gigging. At this moment I'm using a Blackstar amp and some pedals in a live setting, but I want to go to a smaller setup with more versatility, for which the Axe-Fx would be perfect.

I am looking forward to meeting you guys here at the forum and to learn some nice tricks about the Axe-Fx.

Hey All!

My names Travis. I'm an Audio Engineering and guitar student at New York University. I've been playing for 12 years, mostly metal stuff, but recently spent 6 months studying Jazz in the Czech Republic. I've been lurking the forums for a while, and it's so nice to finally be a part of it!

This thing is COMPLICATED. I think I'm getting the hang of it, though. Any old-timers wanna chime in some advise?


Hi all my name is Jean, been playing guitar for 28 years, some of my prefered guitarists are : Jason Becker, Yngwie Malmsteen, Glenn Tipton, Dave Murray, Adrian Smith, Jeff Hanneman, Gary Holt, Ace Frehley, Tommy T Baron, Angus Young, Mathias Jabb, Mike Sifringer, Rock N Rolf, Majk Moti, Uwe "Schmuddel" Hoffmann, Kai Hansen, Alex Lifeson, Hizaki, Teru... to name a few ;)

Here's is my Gears :

Fractal Audio Axe FX II XL - RME Fireface UFX - Furman PL-PLUS-C
ESP Horizon FR II - Fender Jeff Beck Custom Shop Stratocaster - Gibson Les Paul Standart 1971 - Jackson RR3 Japan - LTD Bass
MesaBoogie DUAL RECTIFIER® HEAD - Marshall 1960 Lead Cab - M-Audio BX5 D2 (X2) - M-Audio AV40
Mackie Big Knob - Mackie 1402 VLZ4 - Radial Pro48 - Radial J48 - Radial X-Amp - M-Audio Keystation 61ES
Steinberg Cubase 7.5 - Native Instruments Komplete 9 Ultimate - Native Instruments Guitar Rig 5 with Rig Kontrol 3
Toontracks EZ Drummer 2 - ToonTracks Superior Drummer 2.0
IK Multimedia Amplitubes 3 - Kuassa Amplifikation Creme - Kuassa Amplifikation One - Line6 Podfarm 2.5 Platinum - Devil Studio Amp - Waves GTR 3.5 - Brainworx BX_Rockrack
OP-X PRO-II VST - Arturia CS-80V - Arturia Jupiter-8v - Superwave Equinox
Boss MT-2 Metal Zone - Boss HM-2 Heavy Metal - Boss HM-3 Hyper Metal - Boss DS-1x Distortion - Boss FBM-1 Fender '59 Bassman - Boss FDR-1 Fender '65 Deluxe Reverb
Boss SD-1 Super OverDrive - Boss DF-2 Super Feedbacker & Distortion - Boss DD-7 Digital Delay - Boss FRV-1 Fender® Reverb - Boss BF-2 Flanger - Boss TU-2 Chromatic Tuner
Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor - Boss BCB-60 Pedal Board (X2) - TC Electronic ND-1 Nova Delay - Digitech JamMan - Digitech CF-7 Chorus Factory - Digitech RP1000
MXR Phase 90 CSP101 SL - MXR Dynacomp - Dunlop Crybaby KH-1 - Hartman Analog Flanger - Hartman Compressor - Wampler Faux Analog Echo
Line6 Pod XT - Crate GFX-15

Cheers !!

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Welcome to the Fractal Forum Jean

Oh and yes, you need more gear!
Hi there guys, My name is Jackson. 22 years
I have been working for Fractal since May of this year. In the music world for 15 or so years, playing seriously for 8 or so. Just now getting into the forum world but have been reading on them for a long time.
Interests are obviously music, recording/jamming, writing, farming, gardening, landscaping, woodworking.

My main rig as of now is my 6505+ with the Axe FX running 4cm for effects through a 2x12 Earcandy Buzzbomb, and occasionally when I feel eager enough my 1991 5150 straight 4x12 as well. I have loads of old and new low budget guitars, as well as a few nice ones. Of course tons of misc gear, always buying and trading.
I was previously using about 15 different pedals and am so happy to get rid of that board, as well as with the effects of the fractal through my amp.
I have slowly been getting to know this box for the past two months or so. I am still definitely a newcomer to its ways. Always looking for creative input, criticism etc..
I love a load of different styles of music. There are not many things I won't listen to.
I make music in a 2 pc. band called SUPERDUDE with a childhood friend of mine.
there are some clips of a few of our tunes.
My main guit-fiddle is an Ibanez prestige SV5470 and i LOVE it, Secondary is a japanese Jackson RR24 limited run black/yellow
2 Breedlove acoustics and a Cordoba Gypsy King Nylon string (found at the town dump) are what I play regularly.
I love listening to new and interesting stuff, send it over!!

Did I miss something? Cheers! Looking forward to learning and getting to know some of you more!
Hey everyone

New Axe User here. My Axe II XL + MFC-101 are shipping out Monday. Really psyched, but also a little intimidated! I've been waiting a long time for a legit modeling solution and thought now's as good a time as any to jump on board. I still have a huge pedalboard and a half stack going atm.

I'm planning on getting a Matrix power amp and running the Axe through my 4x12 (cab is loaded with G12-65M Creambacks and G12-65 Heritage speakers - X pattern). I really think I would like to try the Matrix 2x12 cab at some point as well.

Anyways, Hi all.
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Welcome home dude.. Don't be intimidated. There's a learning curve for sure but the forum can be very helpful when you really need it.
Remember to breathe and eat the first couple days of owning it. Screw sleep, but eating... That's key.
I doubt I'll be sleeping much, but I have a steady supply of coffee and cigarettes to keep me going. I think I may pick up the Cooper Carter tutorials . . . es bueno?

Welcome home dude.. Don't be intimidated. There's a learning curve for sure but the forum can be very helpful when you really need it.
Remember to breathe and eat the first couple days of owning it. Screw sleep, but eating... That's key.
Hi everyone.

My name is Alex and since my Axe-FX unit will be arriving in the next 48hrs, I thought it's about time I find the introduction thread :D

I'm based in Wales, UK. I've been playing guitar for about 10 years and have gotten fairly serious about it in the past few years. I've always been a bit of a tube purist to be honest with you. But recently tube amps have been giving me a headache and after having the chance to try out a couple of different Fractal rigs, I've been really impressed. So I've taken the leap and have started to put together what will hopefully become my new stage amp set-up. I just hope my love of gadgets and gizmos will help me with the learning curve(because I'm sweating it a little here lol).

Music wise, my main focus in recent years has been Neo-classical playing. Though I started on a diet of Prog and Blues, then gradually moved to more 80's style rock. Early influence are guys like Alex Lifeson, Trevor Rabin, Bruce Kulick. Today it's more Jason Becker, Marty Friedman, Nili Brosh, Paul Gilbert.

Interests, very little outside of guitars and guitar playing.

So I'm really just hoping I can sort myself out a few good dry amp tones(a clean, a crunch and a high gain, that sort of thing). Maybe an effect here or there but nothing mad. Then after that, reliability is my main criteria for amps. Hopefully the Fractal paired with a Matrix rack amp will get me these things.

Can't wait to get to grips with it and the Forum here, and hopefully not ask too many stupid questions in the meantime :)
Welcome, Alex!

If you love gadgets and gizmos, you'll be in heaven with the Axe. Putting together a few good dry amp tones will come quickly. You can start by going through the first seventy or so factory presets to find something that's close to what you want to hear. Bypass the effects blocks, and you'll hear it dry (most of those presets only have a little delay or reverb on them). Start from there, and mess with the basic parameters (Gain, Bass/Mid/Treble/Presence/Master Volume). It'll be fun.
Thanks for the welcome... I think I am in heaven! "Mark Day's HBE" has become an instant favourite. I also love how easy it was to hook up the MFC! Very good fun indeed :)
Hi everyone, UK Bassist new to FAS checking in!

Got my II-XL yesterday after God knows how long saving up and I've been playing with it so much that I'm getting callouses on callouses. And that's from pressing buttons, not strings :D I play progressive metal in a band called Warhorse (both guitarists use Axe-FX and now me too), been playing since I was 13 (so that's 14 odd years in total). I'm sure I'll be asking plenty of questions on here in the near future.

Hopefully this'll tame the GAS.

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