Incoming! Incoming! Incoming!

No, system settings are easily reconfigured. And it's also possible to create a backup of the system settings which can be restored.
A system reset doesn't impact the presets.
Experimenting using cab sims with the EVMs. A cab sim makes the tones thicker, especially at low volume levels. I don't want to use too many different IRs ; changing sounds for every song reminds me too much of wedding bands...

When using X/Y in effects blocks, the X state makes the IA switch on the MFC that switches between X/Y for that effect light up green.
That's not my preference , I want to keep "green" for engaged effects and presets. So I've assigned my favorite effect settings to "Y" state instead of X, and use Y as the default setting. Setting a block to X or Y can be done per preset.
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Sometimes you discover things, apply them and then forget about them again over time.
Case example: Tape Dist.
Loved that drive type on my Ultra, especially with cleans.
It then disappeared from my presets after getting the II, because I felt the amps in the II don't need it.
Still do, but I found another purpose, inspired by Smilefan's Vox preset.
I put it before the Amp, set to mild overdrive, and then use a mix of say 50%.
It's great to get push clean amps into breakup while preserving their signature tone.
Works with crunch to hi-gain too.

Edit: ]{}##%^^ .... Adding the 2nd drive block takes too much cpu ... Making everything sluggish ...

Edit #2: Made room in the presets. Switched from Tape Dist to Tube Drive (mild settings and 50% mix).
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Alexander ...,

I tried to download your latest on 9/1 @ approx 7:30 EST and it's not there ....
Sometimes you discover things, apply them and then forget about them again over time.
Case example: Tape Dist.
Loved that drive type on my Ultra, especially with cleans.
It then disappeared from my presets after getting the II, because I felt the amps in the II don't need it.
Still do, but I found another purpose, inspired by Smilefan's Vox preset.
I put it before the Amp, set to mild overdrive, and then use a mix of say 50%.
It's great to get push clean amps into breakup while preserving their signature tone.
Works with crunch to hi-gain too.

Edit: ]{}##%^^ .... Adding the 2nd drive block takes too much cpu ... Making everything sluggish ...

I'm now using a Filter block with about a 5db boost instead of a Tape Drive or second Drive. Tastes great.....less filling.
I'm now using a Filter block with about a 5db boost instead of a Tape Drive or second Drive. Tastes great.....less filling.

Yeah, that's possible too, but it hasn't got that "vibe"...
Executed the 'filter trick' and a looper to discover my cabs' (EVM) resonant frequency.
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A bump for your fantastic thread, Yek.
I just went thru all your presets. Thanks so much for making
them available to us all. Great work! Amazingly well thought out
'universal' patch format.

The Axe II is off to a glorious start. What a marvelous resource
the contributors to this Board are. So much information, so many
new ideas and inspirations. Thanks Yek, for pushing the envelope
forward on the Axe II.
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Thanks, I appreciate it!

But really, my basic amp presets can't compare to the painstakingly recreated, authentic amps you're dialing in all the time. Just read your description of the 45/100 settings. Amazing and so much thinking and knowledge behind it. I want a copy of that part of your brain.
After I downloaded and installed all your presets, none of them produced any sound. I went into one chosen at random (ComprModulation) and found that the send and return levels were all the way down and that the cabinet mixer was also turned all the way down. Turning them up fixed the problem, but when I checked a different preset, these blocks were fine despite the lack of sound--I haven't yet gone through that one to see where the problem lies.

Your settings appear correct on Axe-Edit, but not on my II, at least on that one preset, so I'm wondering what's going on.

I've also downloaded smilefan's and raca's presets, and they work fine.

Any help would be appreciated.

Danny W.
I suspect AxeExit of not handling global blocks well.
Send/Return and (some) Cab blocks are global blocks in my presets. The levels are set correctly on my Axe.

Other causes can be:
- the preset uses an user cab
- exp.pedal needs to be moved (Ebow preset)
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