

So I'm one of those guys that has a few other things that I like to do besides music. I love to mess around with R/C Plans, Cars, boats and Heli's but I also like to do off the road thing. It's been a wile for that due to financial constraints and miss it a lot as it was a big family deal. These have been a main stay for me for the past 30 or so years and just wondering if anyone else has a few or if your strictly a music person.
- Used to race downhill (MTB) in the late 90s/early 2000s till I broke my neck in 2003
- Ex-sponsored "big mountain" event skier (last events were 2002, albeit I still huck and launch for fun)
- Certified ski instructor/coach
- Used to be into super-sport road bikes, having a family I love waned that urge
- Mega surf addict

[edit: I suppose I could wrap this all up by saying "extreme sports"]
I rollerblade in NYC every day(barring rain and snow) Have wheels that light up, looks like my feet are on fire! Also, I throw boomerangs. Can throw 2 at the same time and catch both, unless I get distracted and get hit in the face! I also am a Air Guitar Instructor.
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Fishing has always been my other thing.Some good fishing in mn. but I love saltwater fishing.Fished all over the gulfcoast and east coast of florida.My current favorite place is the gulf of california in mexico.
pretty much just music for me, but more recently doing music with the most amazing woman I've ever known. I've never been happier, and glad we are compatible in so many things, including music.
Used to play basketball and got to travel the world doing that. Have always been sports oriented so still snow and waterski. Skydiving is a thrill everyone should try at least oce in their lifetime. Love playing video games as well. Life is short. Live every day like it is your last!!!
I've really made an attempt to focus on music in the last 5 years. I'm a jack of all trades and a bit of I carni... Gaming (for 25 years ish, played starcraft 1 competitively) Contact juggling, rollerblading (friends is a pro skater now), magic: the gathering (good friend won the world championship a few years ago), magic (as in illusions), building PC's, programming... And that's just the stuff I was serious about at some point. The list of stuff I "dabble" in is a mile long!

My latest dabbling is Arduino. I've never programmed hardware before, so it's fun to control servos and stuff.

I'm thinking about starting a youtube channel about my adventures in different avenues.
Autocross with the Porsche club. I stopped in 2010 when I tore the achilles tendon in my left foot. No more clutch for me. Only now is it well enough to start up again.
In 2006's "Porsche Parade" gathering -- 1000's of P-car drivers - I took best in class for the car I was driving at the time.
Here's some in car video of later stuff.

I do nothing but music 7 days a week. I write music for TV shows and occasionally get hired to mix for TV shows, mix albums and some recordings for albums. But I love video games and sometimes I play with son. I also take care of my kids while my wife works nightshift and help them with that homework and also cook for them. Once in awhile I'll take a trip to Vegas with my wife and sometimes our kids. This summer were going on a Disney cruise but I take my laptop and my guitar and a small keyboard so I can do some writing, just I'm case I get inspired. That's pretty much my life and love it. Pretty boring!
I'm a film reviewer, and I do interviews with directors, actors, effects people, etc... I also run two websites related to film and film reviews. Aside from that, I have been learning guitar tech, which I really enjoy doing, I play computer games, I write, I play with our border collie and I also love to read when I can. I used to be a PC technician, so I've always been very tech oriented.
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