
Tennis, reading, gaming (Bioshock Infinite rules).
Recently I've been really addicted to podcasts (science). Radiolab.org is soooo amazing.
I just finished Bioshock Infinite the other day. Man they put a whole lot of small details into that game. It looks fantastic. I was kinda bummed by the ending though. I'm playing it through a second time right now just because.
Beside music,

- Computer science, programing, reading stuff about IT
- Gaming (FPS on PC)
- Reading stuff about science in general
- Girlfriend
Beside music,

- Computer science, programing, reading stuff about IT
- Gaming (FPS on PC)
- Reading stuff about science in general
- Girlfriend

I started my career in computers around '85 when the Personal computers came out. One thing about that industry, is that you are never done keeping up. I don't have a degree, but it didn't matter for me, as I came up from the bottom and learned everything that I ever needed to learn on my own. I spent my college years working on Nuke missiles. My wife never got a degree either, but has done well too. She manages 107 people, in India, Des moines, North carolina, and phoenix. I know we are the exception to the rule. We are both Vice Presidents as well. Whoda thunk. Tenacity is my hobby.
Cooking and golf. Besides playing guitar, the only two things that I can do without thinking about work. I work in startup companies so work is never done.
I don't know if these count as hobbies, but I run regularly (30 miles a week, ran my first marathon in Feb), play golf when the weather's nice and I have the time (golf lost out to guitar 9 years ago when I got back into it), and I love books, movies, and video games. Going to see live music is almost a hobby within itself as well, I love to see concerts and I'm blessed with an enabling wife.

EDIT: Is being a gear head considered a separate hobby?
I don't know if these count as hobbies, but I run regularly (30 miles a week, ran my first marathon in Feb), play golf when the weather's nice and I have the time (golf lost out to guitar 9 years ago when I got back into it), and I love books, movies, and video games. Going to see live music is almost a hobby within itself as well, I love to see concerts and I'm blessed with an enabling wife.

EDIT: Is being a gear head considered a separate hobby?

I'm trying to get my wife into watching more concerts as well. I always have the Palladium channel on, in the back ground, Hoping she gets the bug. She's close.
Tabletop gamer, like Dungeons & Dragons.

I played back in the day, when it was still the original player's manual, DM guide, and monster manual. I quit playing after high school, but I look back at those days fondly. I still play RPGs on PC/Mac. I'm looking forward to the new neverwinter nights and I love Skyrim. And I was addicted to WOW for brief periods of time.
I'm trying to get my wife into watching more concerts as well. I always have the Palladium channel on, in the back ground, Hoping she gets the bug. She's close.

I'm very lucky, since I see that many other wives are resistant. Luckily she likes a lot of the bands we go see (not so much Tool). In the past year or so I've been selectively going to some shows alone since I know she won't enjoy them (Opeth, Tenacious D). She loves people like Norah Jones, Sarah McLachlan (which luckily I do as well) and she actually really enjoyed the Australian Pink Floyd show, which surprised me a bit.
Outside of music, I spend a lot of time with dogs. The wife and I volunteer for Wisconsin Border Collie Rescue. Making A Difference One Dog At A Time » Wisconsin Border Collie Rescue We're one of the foster homes in the group. We have 2 dogs we are fostering right now, in addition to the two we own. Domino and Anjie are the 2 dogs we are fostering. If you go to the "Our Foster Dogs" section, you'll see a few pictures of me hanging out with Anjie.

Other than that, most everything else is music related. Music publishing by day, and the bands at night.
I just wish I had time to pursue hobbies outside of music. Not sure how you guys find the time to do so many things.

I don't, so music (guitar and bass) are the top priority (actually wish I had more time available than I currently do).

It seems in my life that time is my ever-present and greatest enemy.
I love running, more than 10 km almost every day. I will participate in the oldest half-marathon in the world (Elche, Spain) next Sunday!
I like to restore classic 70's motorcycles.

Here's one I was working on recently
Biking, reading and golf. I live right off the first green of a course here in SW Florida and I'm out there almost every night either playing a round or practicing. Golf is the most challenging sport ever...a real pain in the ass.
Woodworking, Woodturning, Hobby inventing stuff, Make guitars, Books,
DIY / McGyverism, Computer operating systems, Tools,

I used to fish a lot when I was younger, and for a couple of years I was very much into
photograph and computer graphics ...

Coming up with stuff in my workshop is probably the one thing besides music / guitars
that I love the most.

got quite a few friends that nicknamed me macgyver .. lol
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