
My next sand car will probably be one of these, a Funco two seat Hustler with 400Hp Subi... though I can't decide which color combnation I like best. What do you guys think?


Or this
I suppose tech stuff (including maintaining TGP) is my main non-music hobby. Now that I'm not such a techie in my day job, it's nice to exercise those skills.
Well, one of my best lack is the profusion of hobbies... as a dad i had to accept to share time and allow each hobby to occupy me just a few months a year : soaring/ gliding, bushcraft and woodcraft, electronics ( digital way : programming microcontrollers, including rc stuff). My chance is that one of my hobbies became my work 20 years ago ( IT, mobile and J2ee), and music is a constant one (thanks to Axefx, which allow me to sell many gear and gather time back). And of course my houses and kids which are full time passions.
Gaming (PC and PS3).

A specific genre of games prefered? Or you like to play all different kinds? Just curious because I mainly play BF3 (PC). ;)

I for myself enjoy playing guitar, wow :eek:

And programming on my private "projects" (mainly C++ Qt Applications, well same as I do for a living XD ). I hope the new MIDI specs of the Axe are really available soon, or are they already?!?
Reading : I read much more than I play guitar. Love SF mainly, but also polars, fantasy... Curently reading "Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World" by Haruki Murakami, and in the past 12 months I've read books by Christopher Priest, Dan Simmons (my favorite author), George RR Martin, Stephen Baxter, Norman Spinrad, Robert Jordan, Jack Vance... I also like authors like Tolkien, Pratchett, James Ellroy, and obviously, Frank Herbert ;) I also spend a lot of time on internet reading about everything.

Gaming : between 2000 and 2003, when due to lack of motivation I completely stopped playing guitar, I was into PC games, mainly FPS (Half Life, UT, Quake 3), going to whole week-end LAN games etc. That's when I took the nickname "Fremen". I became quite adept in Quake 3 here (once 4th, once second in national dueling tournaments), and I still have in installed on my PC. I launch it once in a while but playing against bots, as with the connectivity in Mauritius, playing online is frustrating (like 300 ping with Quake Live). Btw, here's some of my frags with a song from my band, Feedback :

I read somewhere that Greg Howe is/was addicted to Quake 3 too

Movies and TV series : if hooked, I can watch 12 episodes of a TV show in one day. I loved "The wire", "The Killing", "House of cards", "Weeds" first two seasons, "The Big bang theory", "The shield", "Lost" of course, "Homeland" first season and too many others to mention ; just finished watching "The Walking Dead" S3, and I'm waiting for "Breaking bad" final season part 2, Game of thrones etc etc

Considering where I live, I should really go more often to the seaside though

Edit : oh, and happy 1000th post to me :D
So I'm one of those guys that has a few other things that I like to do besides music. I love to mess around with R/C Plans, Cars, boats and Heli's but I also like to do off the road thing. It's been a wile for that due to financial constraints and miss it a lot as it was a big family deal. These have been a main stay for me for the past 30 or so years and just wondering if anyone else has a few or if your strictly a music person.

A specific genre of games prefered? Or you like to play all different kinds? Just curious because I mainly play BF3 (PC). ;)

Right now I'm playing Skyrim, Diablo III and BioShock Infinite on the PC. Tomb Raider and NBA2K12 on the PS3.

Way back when I used to be a hard core raider in WoW, but that was many moons ago and now I just don't have time.
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