Help the Fight Against COVID-19

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Working from home you just have to keep up like you are going to work. Take a shower, get dressed, and have an office where you are off limits from family. Our new boss just took the privilege away. Great timing.
Trump says the main reason for the US to suspend travel from the EU is that the EU didn't suspended travel from China.

Well, I repeat what I said in another post:

Thailand, being one of the main destinations of Chinese tourism, business and family-ties, has never suspended travel from China. However, they only have around 60 cases, with the latest ones imported from Italy - one of the first countries to ban the flights from China.

Thai people has already experienced more deadly outbreaks, like SARS, MERS or H5N1, so the citizens didn't passively waited for the instructions from the government to take precautions (masks, hand-gel dispensers, precaution when coughing, distance when talking, temperature controls...). They started with the precautions as soon as it was announced, last January

I am also convinced that the culture of kissing in the cheeks, hugging and shaking hands has played a role. Italy, Spain and France are the winners in kissing and hugging :kissingheart: :p , while Thais gently join the palms to say Hello, Thank you, I’m sorry or Goodbye. 🙏
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"know that trade will in no way be affected by the 30-day restriction on travel from Europe. The restriction stops people not goods."

hmm that's not what he just said in the address. did he misspeak? did he misspeak on other things?
Yes...big surprise. Apparently the ban is for “foreign nationals”.
As I understand it, that means allowing return for U.S. citizens who got caught overseas when the ban started, but if Angela Merkel asks to visit, she's told to get stuffed.
“Foreign Virus”? WTF?
Well, yes.

I mean, do you think the Wuhan Flu asked for a passport stamp before spreading up your neighbors' nostrils? :p

COVID-19 definitely arrived undocumented.

I suspect Trump's second-term major initiative will be to build a border-sized hazmat suit. A "big, beautiful hazmat suit," even. (Which, y'know, I would be okay with.)

Unfortunately, a few cities here and there have unwittingly become, uh, sanctuary cities for undocumented viruses. More may follow.

And I guess any viruses that duplicate inside our borders are automatically our problem. Thence all our angst.
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I've read way too many post-apocalypse novels where the prologues started this way.

The economy will crater and the markets are crashing. The next domino to fall is the banking system. A run on the banks is imminent.

If you don't have lots of cash (and plenty of $5 and $10 bills) on hand, get some. ASAP.
The economy will crater and the markets are crashing. The next domino to fall is the banking system. A run on the banks is imminent.
No, it isn't.

I agree that the situation is bad. It is bad in the sense that a significant percentage (low double-digits) of elderly-and-cronically-ill persons will die. There will be distressing, even chaotic, scenes in nursing homes.

Additionally, in the coming year, we will lose rather less than 1% of persons under the age of 60.

If it happens too quickly (e.g. if we reach 50% infection rate in the population before June) then the medical system will be broken, and some folk will wait 3 days in a waiting room for appendicitis treatment and stuff like that, and yes, people will die as a result of that.

But we will not see as great an impact on banking as the subprime mortgage crisis caused. The market is correcting, hard, but is likely already undervalued. We are in a panic, which is exactly when folk like Warren Buffett go in and buy up companies on-the-cheap. ("Bulls make money; bears make money...." Ever wonder how it is bears make money? They know to buy low, sell high.)

The only purpose for a run on the banks is if an electrical grid collapse (say) makes card-readers non-functional. But unless this is actually the start of a warfare scenario and Xi, Putin, or someone similar has decided to use nukes w/EMP, the electrical grid and water supply will be every bit as good next March as it is now. (Which is to say: Just fine in most places, and rolling blackouts in California.)

All of this is bad. But there are some levels of bad that this virus does not approach. For those who think differently: Look at other countries whose timelines are already 1-2 months ahead of our own. Countries with less wealth, less education, crappier healthcare, and smaller reserves of gear and know-how. Please don't pretend that things will be worse in the U.S. than they currently are in Iran. Isn't South Korea (where cases are already plateauing) likely to be a better predictive model? Or, at worst, Italy? Things are bad in Italy. But not cannibalism-in-the-gelato-stand bad.

In China, they're possibly already adapting to the new normal...
(Though, admittedly, I take any news that's partly-sourced from within China with a whole can of Morton's Iodized.)

My point is: This is bad, but let's not get carried away.

I previously joked about calling COVID-19 "Captain Trips." That was a joke.

The Wuhan Flu is bad, but it is not "Captain Trips" bad.

Randall Flagg's act in Vegas, like most other concerts for the next several months, will be cancelled.
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The economy will crater and the markets are crashing. The next domino to fall is the banking system. A run on the banks is imminent.
The only purpose for a run on the banks is if an electrical grid collapse (say) makes card-readers non-functional.
We were talking about what a run on the modern banking system in the USA would look like at work today (for context: I work in FinTech). Our significant shift from a cash-based society in the USA means it's harder to envision how this would happen with any certainty. So much of the money that's moved around today is just shuffling numbers from one ledger to another. And that all that ACH stuff can happily continue in a world where markets are trending towards zero. You can't really pay your mortgage with cash right now, and post-market crash you still really won't be able to. Cash, we figured, would only play a prominent role in obtaining food. Maybe. The major food outlets wouldn't stop taking credit without a strong reason because it's already a significant portion of their payment method.

I'm not saying you shouldn't keep cash on on hand, but I have my doubts about not being able continue to access your money, electronically, that's stored in the bank in modern America.

Edit: also, Feds seem ready to prop up the economy, so that's some insurance against a total crash. Might be good to spread your cash around instuitutions. But I'm not currently convinced cash on hand is going to be necessary or helpful.
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