Get Yer 11.0 Beta Here!

good news ! as many of us, i'm waiting (patiently ...) for that new AE release and it will be killer to have FW11+AE working together ! the best guitar tool for the best flexibility and tone quality. Period.

Tu y crois !!!! :lol
Depuis le temps que j'attend j'ai du mal à croire que cela va vite arriver !!!
sinon as tu solutionner ton buzzzz car j'ai le même problème et j'trouve pas ....

11.00 Release Candidate has been sent to testers.

v11 is the next step, further refinement of the amp models. You guys are going to be amazed.
Not only the Marshall-ish stuff, but the Vox models and alike have also been improved a lot.

I'm hooked on the Morgan for my clean and "broken" clean stuff, but it's hard to draw myself from playing other models. Super, Vibrolux, Triptik clean, Ojai/ODS100 clean, Rocket and others.

And you'll get other great goodies in the package.
Can someone excuse the retard in me and explain what "RC Axe-Edit" is? What's the "RC" all about? I thought it was just AE 3.0?
Thank Alexander. Always to the rescue :)

EDIT. I've just looked through the posts and it says it there in black and white. My bad. I should learn to read.
Tu y crois !!!! :lol
Depuis le temps que j'attend j'ai du mal à croire que cela va vite arriver !!!
sinon as tu solutionner ton buzzzz car j'ai le même problème et j'trouve pas ....


salut fred
pour mes pb elect je suis en train de faire tester ma ligne par GRDF... selon les amplis j'au un leger buzz ou rien du tout... merdique ces pb elect: j'attends les conclusions GRDF et puis j'aviserais sur la solution.

sinon ouais on aura un ae3 qui sera tres bien, nul doute. l'axe fx est vraiment un super outil, je me regale avec. T'as essayé les IR de OH ? j'ai pris lpack moderne 1960: excellent
salut fred
pour mes pb elect je suis en train de faire tester ma ligne par GRDF... selon les amplis j'au un leger buzz ou rien du tout... merdique ces pb elect: j'attends les conclusions GRDF et puis j'aviserais sur la solution.

sinon ouais on aura un ae3 qui sera tres bien, nul doute. l'axe fx est vraiment un super outil, je me regale avec. T'as essayé les IR de OH ? j'ai pris lpack moderne 1960: excellent

I speak perfect French and still didn't understand what this said! Ha ha ha :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
I speak perfect French and still didn't understand what this said! Ha ha ha :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

According to Google:
"hi fred
for my bp elect I am doing my test line GRDF ... according to the amps I a slight buzz or anything ... these crappy bp elect: I await the conclusions GRDF and then I would advise the solution.

yeah if you have a ae3 to be very good, no doubt. the fx axis is really a great tool, I regale with. You tried the IR OH? I took modern lpack 1960: excellent"

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