Get Yer 11.0 Beta Here!

that would've been my Jvm , my cameron Hi, my Atomic Hi , my Recto Red Modern ,my Recto Modren Orange, My USA lead +, and my FAS Modern II
no offense but it's not my Patches, I don't tend to dial in bass heavy patches to begin with and apparently a few others are hearing this too.
which by the way were all gone when I went back to 10.12,.

No offence but you can't fix something you can't reproduce. We need your patches. You can DM them to me or Scott offered to help as well.

Guys do a backup before updating, I just got hosed out of the last 3 days of dialed in patches that I really liked.
These should be the opening actions of every update you do. Open Fractal-Bot. Backup banks and system. Then apply firmware update. If you wanted to be really safe you'd back up your user cabs too.
Just turn down the bass control on the first amp page with knobs. Not any low cut etc in later pages.

If that doesn't do it, chances are an EQ setting somewhere else is boosting the bass. Global EQ? EQ block in the preset?

Try a new preset with just amp and cab.

11 sounds amazing and I hardly adjusted anything in my presets. If anything, I turned treble type controls up!
The bass is clearer on V11 so it will give the illusion of having more bass. What you can do.... wait for it... wait for it... is adjust that knob that's labeled "Bass". Surprisingly it reduces the bass when you turn it counter-clockwise.

Santas Pelotas de Caca, he's right about that LOL!

Haven't been able to check this out at gig volume yet but at living room volume, the update sounds great!
I may as well fan boi in here. Whatever it is, whatever was done, whatever it was or is gonna sounds like the best amps ever sitting her in my room or at rehearsal last night. These guys have never seen stuff on this level. I am blowing minds including my own. Today W/11 was just stupendous as far as tone. Some used to be thin maybe bright, others mushy.

Not anymore. I got that Dumble screamin at high volume today and it floored me with it's in my face amp tone.
The bass is clearer on V11 so it will give the illusion of having more bass. What you can do.... wait for it... wait for it... is adjust that knob that's labeled "Bass". Surprisingly it reduces the bass when you turn it counter-clockwise.

Can't you just make groundbreaking tonal improvements that sound exactly the same but different? That way I could rave about it without having to think or do any work.
Feel like a great update. First feeling after playing a bit is that there is more dynamics all around. The high drive stuffs sound a lot more "savage" --> there must be a beast inside. :lol
Thanks a lot Cliff. :encouragement:
Beautiful clean, crisp sound. Tight lows, with balls. I'm so tired but I still played for 2 hours. Tried that Europe "the final countdown" on "The Brown Sound". I felt like a rock god.
Thanks Cliff!
everything sounds better!! im using my Maudio Bx5a's , miss jamming through the PA system at the studio and was wondering how to get that kind of clarity. after trying the v11 I feel that something has made it come alive!! its amazingggggg cant wait for the official release!!!
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