Freqout sim (all units) how to do it with the synth block

I have my Synth Block set up like the original post. Most of the time it works just fine, but every so often the Voice 1 Level will not go back to 0 when the Control Switch is released. I'm using FC1 Ext. Switch 1 for Source 1. The level will not go any lower than around 3%. This is not audible when I am playing, but when I stop it is very noticeable. Could this be a bug with the AxeFX Synth Block?? Anyone else see this behaviour? Or see anything wrong with my settings.
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View attachment 115978
I just gave this a shot (finally) (FM9) and the follower won't track in one preset and glitches in a preset that I built from scratch on the fly.
first I wanna say, this is really amazing of the OP to share this! Thanks for that!

I also wanted to inquire; is there a way to simulate the Natural Hi or Natural Low settings on the Freqout pedal where it will randomize the feedback pitch? Perhaps a way that can make it predictable-ish with modifiers/pitch modifiers? It would be cool to use it with a momentary control switch like the Freqout, but have that Nat Hi or Nat Low randomize type option. I admittedly know nothing about pitch modifiers and all of that either, so just throwing things out there to see if it might give someone a light bulb moment :)
I can't get this to work on my FM3 for some reason. I have my FC6 set up fully latching, so I can switch blocks on and off. I just want to be able to switch the Synth Block on and then have the "feedback" note gradually fade in. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, but for the life of me, I have no idea what. Anybody?
I can't get this to work on my FM3 for some reason. I have my FC6 set up fully latching, so I can switch blocks on and off. I just want to be able to switch the Synth Block on and then have the "feedback" note gradually fade in. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, but for the life of me, I have no idea what. Anybody?
It’s hard to diagnose without more information. We can ask a lot of questions, or you can export your preset and attach it so we can look inside it to see how you have it configured.

The Synth is always running in Simeon’s preset, it just isn’t loud enough to be heard. Confirm that you have configured the modifier for the Synth Voice 1 Level correctly. That controls the fade-in in Simeon’s first post.
I just gave this a shot (finally) (FM9) and the follower won't track in one preset and glitches in a preset that I built from scratch on the fly.
It seems to be pretty sensitive to the sound, or maybe the output, of the pickups. One of my guitars is more likely to mistrack than another, and Leon Todd said in his video that he had to mute the strings on either side of the one he wanted to sustain to avoid mistracking.

I’m using headphones so I don’t have any acoustic coupling that would help maintain string vibration, so that might help explain why mine mistracks faster than Leon’s example. Also I wasn’t using my SC-245 which might help.
It’s hard to diagnose without more information. We can ask a lot of questions, or you can export your preset and attach it so we can look inside it to see how you have it configured.

The Synth is always running in Simeon’s preset, it just isn’t loud enough to be heard. Confirm that you have configured the modifier for the Synth Voice 1 Level correctly. That controls the fade-in in Simeon’s first post.
Synth voice level 1…. I’m gonna check that a.s.a.p. And you are right. Better to post the preset. If I still can’t get it to work like I want to that’s exactly what I will do. 👍🏻
I can't get this to work on my FM3 for some reason. I have my FC6 set up fully latching, so I can switch blocks on and off. I just want to be able to switch the Synth Block on and then have the "feedback" note gradually fade in. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, but for the life of me, I have no idea what. Anybody?
I agree with Greg posting preset would help
But one thing you mentioned set switch for latching , you want it to be on momentary control switch
I agree with Greg posting preset would help
But one thing you mentioned set switch for latching , you want it to be on momentary control switch
That's right, I want it to be latching so it stays "on" just like when I would keep a momentary switch depressed.
It seems to be pretty sensitive to the sound, or maybe the output, of the pickups. One of my guitars is more likely to mistrack than another, and Leon Todd said in his video that he had to mute the strings on either side of the one he wanted to sustain to avoid mistracking.

I’m using headphones so I don’t have any acoustic coupling that would help maintain string vibration, so that might help explain why mine mistracks faster than Leon’s example. Also I wasn’t using my SC-245 which might help.
Nope I used a blank preset and it did work so it must be something in the Boston presets I built that it doesn't like. I don't know what that would be.

Here it is it want to take a crack at it.


  • Boston.syx
    24.1 KB · Views: 19
Ugh, I cannot make this work for some reason. I followed the directions, but I just get the same pitch note, even tho i have it set to pitch follower.
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Thanks, I tried that. Same result. The pitch follower is stuck at 288 Hz, and does not track my playing. So it's just fading in the same tone all the time. I'm trying this on the FM9, latest beta firmware. Maybe that's why.
Latest FM9 beta is fine, I just tried this out. I only exactly followed Simeon's instructions in the first post and it worked right away.
Unfortunately it still does not work for me. I followed the instructions to the letter. The pitch follower won’t follow.
I think the FM9 (like the Axe-FX III) allows selecting any input as pitch follower source. Check if it's set to the input you're using at the Controllers: Tempo/Pitch menu.
I think the FM9 (like the Axe-FX III) allows selecting any input as pitch follower source. Check if it's set to the input you're using at the Controllers: Tempo/Pitch menu.
That was it! For some reason mine was set to input 2. I would've never found that without your help, thank you! Works great on my Fm9 & FM3.

I actually own a FreqOut pedal, and this works pretty well by comparison, maybe even better with some tweaking. Certainly good enough for my limited use to ditch the pedal. I'm sure that if they chose too, they could create a synth block preset, or stand alone block that expands on this with some different pitch points and other tweaks. I have to say, just when I think I've seen all that the Fractal unit can do, it surprises me. What a great product and forum.
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I just saw Leon Todd's video on this effect. So cool! I'm going to try it on my FM9 tonight. It reminds me of EVH's sustainer pickup that he used for a bit on his Wolfgang. Very generous for the OP to share this!
Anyone have this working on the FM3? Can you share a preset?
If you follow the original instructions it works just fine on FM3. Only takes a minute to configure the synth block. Also just make sure you’re on the input you’re actually using. Mine was defaulted to input 2 and I use 1.
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