AFIII Presets Fremen Presets masterthread (releases, updates etc.)

Third-party preset or preset pack for the Axe-Fx III
Bonne Fête! Comme on dit au Québec!

Thx for the mixes - my favorites are the 5153 and the Friedman GB. 1960 TV 2b as well!

Hope you feel better soon,

P.S.: I think you need to do some new packs because I went on your site to try and take advantage of the 35% and I already have pretty much all your packs!! ;-)
Bonne Fête! Comme on dit au Québec!

Thx for the mixes - my favorites are the 5153 and the Friedman GB. 1960 TV 2b as well!

Hope you feel better soon,

P.S.: I think you need to do some new packs because I went on your site to try and take advantage of the 35% and I already have pretty much all your packs!! ;-)
Tabernak! Pas de chance...
Happy Birthday!!! I have taken advantage of the offer to buy the Metal Rock 2, and it is fantastic, with very good high gain tones including the Cryptic Carnage bonus. You should make an exclusive pack of extreme metal, I would buy it from you immediately
Hi guys ! Hope everyone is fine. A little update :


Long story short : I'm being treated for a tennis elbow which has been bugging me for 5-6 months, and, more importantly for me, for a trigger finger issue with my ring finger. That one has been here for many, many years, I don't even remember (10 years?). Wish I'd knew way before that there are treatments for that ! That finger is weaker/slower than all the others, so I skip it almost all the time, as evident in my videos. My little finger has twice its strength and speed...
It's a 3 weeks treatment, which started last Saturday. In the meantime, I've been told to not play any guitar. Frustrating, but anyway, I'm also sick with a nasty flu, fever and no energy right now. I think that so far this year, I've been unable to play guitar for close to two months already, so...

Anyway, I'm posting here today because I've received many mails regarding a firmware 22 update to my packs, and I thought I'll answer here : I have no "update" scheduled per se, as I use my own IRs, and prefer them to anything else, they're the core of my sounds. But, I will add Dyna-Cabs version of a few presets in each of the packs. Once the fever is down and I get some energy back, I'll work on it, without even touching my guitar ; I have a DAW project, with DI tracks, that I use for firmware updates and presets programming inn general. Stay tuned !
I feel your pain (literally): after I finally recovered from tennis elbow I went so hard at guitar that I developed extensor tendinitis in my left index finger. And since I can't exactly stick my hand in a splint for 3 months it just won't resolve. I wish you well!
Yep hope you feel better soon no fun not feeling well. I have had 7 trigger finger & 2 trigger thumb releases. Last month I had my right thumb done and was playing guitar as soon as they took the bandages off.

I was worried on the very first surgery but it was a peace of cake. Hope you are able to use you finger again soon.
They wanted to do injections but I told them to just fix the trigger finger. And vola good as new.

Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Hey there

Get well soon sir and hopefully the surgery will have a good effect on you.

I bought a mkII turbo a while back which was packed with your preset packs. They sound fantastic as they are with the custom ir's. I use them allmost every day.

Cheers to you 🍻
Thanks guys ! A little update : after 9 physiotherapy sessions, I couldn't sense any improvement. So, yesterday, I had PRP injections in my two elbows (the right one was starting to hurt too) plus my left hand :


Injection in the palm of the hand was really painful :/ and today it still hurts, I can't do much with this hand right now. But let's hope that this time, it will work (and I read that PRP is very effective)... Specially that I have a show coming in October, and rehearsals starts next week. I haven't been playing for over six weeks now, and before that, for many weeks I couldn't play either (too weak because of flu or of food poisoning, + for some time I wasn't in Mauritius etc.). As I make presets for a living, and playing guitar is in my DNA, it sucks !
Fortunately I was able to do some stuff without playing, including programming presets using DI tracks, but it's hard to keep motivated working like that... Would you believe me if I say that I didn't even try the new Revv Gen models ? But I did try the dyna-cabs of course, even before the public beta as I'm a beta tester.
That being said, I hope to be able to release a couple videos soon, using DI tracks, and finish programming bonus presets using Dyna-Cabs for all my packs.
Thanks guys ! A little update : after 9 physiotherapy sessions, I couldn't sense any improvement. So, yesterday, I had PRP injections in my two elbows (the right one was starting to hurt too) plus my left hand :

View attachment 123807

Injection in the palm of the hand was really painful :/ and today it still hurts, I can't do much with this hand right now. But let's hope that this time, it will work (and I read that PRP is very effective)... Specially that I have a show coming in October, and rehearsals starts next week. I haven't been playing for over six weeks now, and before that, for many weeks I couldn't play either (too weak because of flu or of food poisoning, + for some time I wasn't in Mauritius etc.). As I make presets for a living, and playing guitar is in my DNA, it sucks !
Fortunately I was able to do some stuff without playing, including programming presets using DI tracks, but it's hard to keep motivated working like that... Would you believe me if I say that I didn't even try the new Revv Gen models ? But I did try the dyna-cabs of course, even before the public beta as I'm a beta tester.
That being said, I hope to be able to release a couple videos soon, using DI tracks, and finish programming bonus presets using Dyna-Cabs for all my packs.
So sorry to hear that. Best of luck on your speedy recovery brother! What show do you have coming up on October, Floyd? Miss hearing you play. Where have you been hanging out at if not at Mauritius?
So sorry to hear that. Best of luck on your speedy recovery brother! What show do you have coming up on October, Floyd? Miss hearing you play. Where have you been hanging out at if not at Mauritius?
Thank you bro ! Yes, Pink Floyd, a shorter version (6 or 7 songs). I was in Madagascar, went there twice. I have a friend that plays in a metal band there, I bought him a guitar, which he bought, and a small multieffect for a gig. I love metal bands from there, so much that I'm organizing a mini-festival in Mauritius with three of them in October ! Everyone will play on my Fractal gear (Axe 3, FM9, FM3).
Here's one metal band from Madagascar :

and some bands in a festival I went to in 2022 :

Madagascar is one of the poorer African countries, and the gear they use reflects this, but still, I think they deliver ! No international band ever plays there...
Thank you bro ! Yes, Pink Floyd, a shorter version (6 or 7 songs). I was in Madagascar, went there twice. I have a friend that plays in a metal band there, I bought him a guitar, which he bought, and a small multieffect for a gig. I love metal bands from there, so much that I'm organizing a mini-festival in Mauritius with three of them in October ! Everyone will play on my Fractal gear (Axe 3, FM9, FM3).
Here's one metal band from Madagascar :

and some bands in a festival I went to in 2022 :

Madagascar is one of the poorer African countries, and the gear they use reflects this, but still, I think they deliver ! No international band ever plays there...

Thanks for sharing that. I will have to show that to my wife, Dawn. I was showing a bunch of musicians from all over the world playing together on various covers (Playing for Change) on YT, especially When the Levee Breaks last night. She thought that was bad ass.

I started playing again ! This is a riff reminiscent of the band Vanden Plas, in my FX8's looper, to compare some Dyna-Cabs. Still not decided if I'll make new presets, or just share my CAB library - probably the later first. I'll make Dyna-Cabs library presets for all the cabs that works for my sounds.

Today, I'm sharing Dyna-Cabs versions of my presets, taken from these packs :

TDR 5153 3 (100w B) (from my 5153 Amp Pack)
TDR ODS 2 HRM (from my ODS Amp Pack)
Comfortably Numb (from Pink Floyd pack)
Shiver clean (from Fremen's Picks)
USA heavier RTM (from Fremen's Picks)
USA MKIIC++ lead (from Fremen's Picks)
Archon clean (from Cleans, Ambient & SFX)
Hipower clean 1 (from Cleans, Ambient & SFX)
Recto2 Red Mod/Vntg (from Rock & Metal vol I)
Friedman BE V1 Fat (from Rock & Metal vol I)
Savage 1 (from Rock & Metal vol I)
Plexi 50w Normal (from Brit Pack)
Brit JVM OD2 Orange (from Brit Pack)
Rockin'Train (from Boutique+Blues pack)
ODS-100 Lead 1 (from Boutique+Blues pack)
PRS Archon 1 (from Rock & Metal vol II)
Powerball1 (from Rock & Metal vol II)
6160+ Lead 1 (from Rock & Metal vol II)
Chords pad 1 (from Synthpads & Drones)
Where the Streets (from Synthpads & Drones)

My normal presets only uses my own custom IRs, which I prefer to anything else, however, as I was asked if I'll do Dyna-Cabs presets, I made those. They're quite different sounding than the original versions. I also made a Dyna-Cab version of a preset from the Richard Hallebeek pack, but it's not included. I'll need his permission for that.

Most of the presets were made using a looper / DI tracks, as I just started playing after a 6 weeks break, due to the issues I mentioned earlier. When I'll have a decent demo of those, I'll post it in the main Presets Exchange sub-forum


  • Dyna-Cabs bonus
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