FRACTAL WORLDWIDE is at it again on Ebay with an AXEFX 2 !!! $3,999

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Actually if it's what I think it is then they won't. Nothing to do with TM. I'm purposely being vague because I would hate for others to use the same idea. I would be happy to tell someone from Fractal what is likely going on though.
Just check the ID history of this eBay seller... We have a user here with the same name this eBay member used to have. I am not pointing fingers, it's just an observation.

thatguitarguy is his previous id. I think you are right. It looks like it could be the same person based on the sort of posts of this user on the forum. I think all of them are sales related.
You might have to consider that these discussions only help to fuel this sort of behaviour.

Shitty people everywhere, IMO Fractal takes reasonable precautions, but in the end, there's only so much energy you can put into curbing these folks. Let it play out. If someone is dumb enough to purchase it at that price when they could wait a month and get one at close to half that, then we can giggle at humanity.

Everyone here should go there and hit the "make offer" button, and offer $2199. Of course he will reject the offer, but it should send a small message at least.
Everyone here should go there and hit the "make offer" button, and offer $2199. Of course he will reject the offer, but it should send a small message at least.

You think he cares about your message? Or the whining in this thread? He's in it for the cash, period. "Cliff should go after him..." I'd rather Cliff keep doing whatever he's doing instead. Get a life people, and mourn the buyer of that unit...
Everyone here should go there and hit the "make offer" button, and offer $2199. Of course he will reject the offer, but it should send a small message at least.

Chances are he is someone on this forum we already know..sure he has probably expressed his "outrage" in this very thread!! :D

I say someone buys it now, sends a cancellation request and so on, petty and childish..yea!! Bring it on!!:lol
The best way around all of this stuff is for Fractal to only sell via the waiting list. Once the waiting list is exhausted, then you open the site for sales... not the otherway around.

While I supported the other guy selling his II on ebay (since the seller wasn't exploiting FA's name), this is just pure f*cking ridiculous. Using Fractal's name and "goodwill" to blatantly cashing in like this.

Whether or not anyone accepts it, we're all a part of this mess too. Its us who've made it the "I must have it or I can never strum another string again" situation. I have an equal share in that fever and maybe if I hadn't gotten the Ultra, I'd still be dying for one and paranoid. Actually, I still want a II pretty bad and will try to raise funds and eventually buy one next year or something. It is also the manufacturer's share in the creation of this situation. They are justified though. Who doesn't want their business to prosper & for their product to sell extremely well? If I were Cliff, I'd want the same. Unfortunately, the prodcution scale and speed on this thing fails to catch up with the demand which is ever growing. Maybe enough units should've been manufactured to handle the expected demand before marketing it so there would be less availability issues at the time of release. If the production & supply was well thought out, FA would have definite answers to people which would result in less complains and frustration. FA would have had a proper release schedule and numbers of units for different groups of customers (Waiting list, Online Store, Artists & Distributors). To make matters worse, all sorts of information was given out by the over zealous distributor regarding the number of units, their allocation and when they'll be available. To which reply was "There will be plenty of units available...chillax". Everyone was cool after that until the thing actually came out and those "plenty" of units are a myth now.

Starting a waiting list was supposedly a cool idea. It would have been fruitful if production & availability time frame was calculated properly and the people on the waiting list were given a definite date by which the waiting list would start getting served. I say a definite date because "the week of...." and "the month of...." leave people guessing endlessly. Its only a matter of time before same frustration starts to plague the people on waiting list. There will be another wave of "indignant whiners" clamoring for their turn. There are many question marks.

From the posts Ive read, people on the waiting list do not feel very confident about receiving a unit anytime soon. Like I said in one of my earlier posts, the ambiguity & unpleasent events surrounding have made people too skeptical. No matter how much FA tries to better the process, people will complain about one thing or the other. Which is both wrong and justified. Wrong because there are other factors at work here which we're not aware of and which limit FA from producing a bizillion units a day. Justified because the planning wasn't so well thought out ground up and people who are spending $2200 (or $2600 or more) on a product have entitlement to whine, no matter if anyone likes it or not.

Please do not consider this complaining, Ive bought an Ultra and I'm at peace now and I will eventually buy a II aswell. Fractal makes amazing products but waiting for them to be available is not exactly a joyride. This post is about just how the things went and my analysis from a consumer perspective.
The best way around all of this stuff is for Fractal to only sell via the waiting list. Once the waiting list is exhausted, then you open the site for sales... not the otherway around.

Unfortunately, folks on the waiting list could easily do the same thing.

The problem is that some people just don't care. they don't care about image, etiquette, equality, respect. They are ok with lying and deceiving just to make some money. Nothing we can do about that. I've learned in my 30 yrs that I don't let those people get to me. I read their stuff, shake my head in disgust and hope that Karma eventually bites them in the ass. Then I continue living my life and forget I ever crossed their path. :)
So I think I get what this guy is doing and I bet you will end up seeing several posted by him. Getting around the one per customer. I'm not going to post it but I don't know how Cliff could stop it. Definitely a hole in the process that may need to be addressed.
It's easy.. he's done it before. While it's a PITA to do, he's been shut down before for using images from FAS. If you look at the ad, its been copied - pretty much verbatim - from FAS web site. That's illegal, and therefore fraud! Not sure how Mr. Petrucci feels about his image being used either !!
It's easy.. he's done it before. While it's a PITA to do, he's been shut down before for using images from FAS. If you look at the ad, its been copied - pretty much verbatim - from FAS web site. That's illegal, and therefore fraud! Not sure how Mr. Petrucci feels about his image being used either !!

I just saw JP on there, and was, that's not cool
Cliff can also file a complaint with ebay for copywrite infringement since he ripped the graphic from the web site.

he could if he cared to. obviously you guys care about this more than he does. hmmmm.... maybe that ought to put some perspective on this matter. concern yourselves with something that actually matters to you or actually affects you life. i can't possibly imagine that this does. mind your own business. you obviously have too much time.
I suppose but the one per customer rule makes it harder to take advantage of the market situation. I guess the potential for misuse will exist no matter what is done.
he could if he cared to. obviously you guys care about this more than he does. hmmmm.... maybe that ought to put some perspective on this matter. concern yourselves with something that actually matters to you or actually affects you life. i can't possibly imagine that this does. mind your own business. you obviously have too much time.

It appears you are more bent out of shape with the posts than we are with the d-bag reseller fractalworldwide (he's a d-bag because he clearly lifted content from the fractal website and borderline misrepresents himself as an authorized retailer). If we wish to voice our opinion about it and you don't like it, then mind your own business! I personally don't care about the ad, but I do get irritated with curmudgeons polluting conversations as you did.
IMO Fractal takes reasonable precautions ...,

Do they ... ? I'm not so sure, rather I think it's indicative of the way they've decided to roll out their products.

IMHO, I think all of this could've been avoided with a little more pre-planning ....

But we'll agree to disagree on that point.
Do they ... ? I'm not so sure, rather I think it's indicative of the way they've decided to roll out their products.

IMHO, I think all of this could've been avoided with a little more pre-planning ....

But we'll agree to disagree on that point.

Start your own company and do better
Do they ... ? I'm not so sure, rather I think it's indicative of the way they've decided to roll out their products.

IMHO, I think all of this could've been avoided with a little more pre-planning ....

But we'll agree to disagree on that point.

ALL of this could've been avoided with "pre-planning"? Candidly, what a joke statement that is.

The Cabbage Patch Kid effect is not a function of the product or its creators, its a well known human tendency to bull rush markets where there is scarcity.
I hope you're not thinking, "he should've made 1000 units before even advertising..." another arm chair neverland argument to a small business owner.

This human problem gets people literally crushed and sent to the hospital on black Friday... and they call the deals "Doorbusters" now. The irony.
To lay that aspect of human nature and its many nuances at Cliff's / Fractal's feet is absurd. This is not a company with teams of people to solve problems in the first place and he's trying to make a living making a pre-amp in America. This is not an easy, trivial thing to do without worrying one bit about the violent nature of consumption in 2011.
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