Fractal FORUM is S L O W as hell!

Its is certainly slower than normal. Even sitting behind the Great Firewall of China, its normally quite fast, but today slow slow slow... Perhaps the FW7.0 Beta madness ;)
I'd guess that the amount of traffic is WAY up today - first with people checking to see if v7 would drop & then the onslaught that happened once word got out that it did. Everything will be OK.
Yes, traffic has been INSANE given the excitement around 7.0 and Axe-Change. Working on reducing CPU, optimizing tables, etc.
Fighting to keep it up.
For what it's worth, I've been noticing it's been pretty slow the last few days...prior to the 7 beta coming out. Though buzz was starting to build with the samples Cliff put out, I'm not sure it's just the 7 beta. And generally in the months I've been an active part of this forum, I've found it gets pretty slow at times. It definitely seems like it's sometimes approaching or exceeding the capacity of the infrastructure behind it. Though there are certainly times where it's fine too.
Mine's back to normal speed today too.

It's probably good that the likes are disabled... I would've liked about 1/2 of the posts about 7.0 ;-)
Still slow here, but not as slow as when I did the OP. The missing forum features appear to be an effort to speed things up. There are 207 users online here as I type this. vBulletin needs decent servers, but I use forums with THOUSAND of people online at once that scream ..... 4921 users on one and 3-4 seconds to load a thread ....
Our forum and website have been under attack. We have our suspicions and I'll leave it at that...
Tube guys don't have the technology. :D

... still pretty sad... Hope you nail the bastard(s) M@
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