Fractal FORUM is S L O W as hell!

"The attacker's originating IP address is in Germany."

I really hope that is not the case.
Well whomever it is should have a psychological profile done, (with all the pun I can muster up... it's definitely intended).
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To be fair, a rogue group of German product fanbois fueled by internet forum vitriol might also be prone to setup a DOS attack on Fractal's website without the knowledge or consent of the maker of a German product.
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Or the culprit could be anywhere in the world sending DOS traffic through German bot nodes or proxies, just to fuel speculation.
Yep, it's really not that hard to spoof an IP address / ping location to stir up a hornets nest. Very old skool too.
Still cant believe in 2012 no-one has come up with a solution to such an old trick.
If it's who I think it might be in Germany..... can't really blame them. The Axe-II is going to put them out of business before they can even re-coupe their investment. 8)
So it could be 'em Americans spoofing an ip to blame da Germans. Or maybe it's da Germans spoofing an American ip spoofing a German ip? Hey, maybe it's the French? My bet is it's Facebook.

But seriously, I would stay far away from the more serious accusations in here. They are silly and far fetched. Seriously.
So it could be 'em Americans spoofing an ip to blame da Germans. Or maybe it's da Germans spoofing an American ip spoofing a German ip? Hey, maybe it's the French? My bet is it's Facebook.

But seriously, I would stay far away from the more serious accusations in here. They are silly and far fetched. Seriously.

I've noticed the forum has been under some reconstruction last night. And HOORAY!! the "LIKE" button is back in action. I'll have to go all "LIKE" happy to make up for time lost without it. Thanks M@!
So it could be 'em Americans spoofing an ip to blame da Germans. Or maybe it's da Germans spoofing an American ip spoofing a German ip? Hey, maybe it's the French? My bet is it's Facebook.

But seriously, I would stay far away from the more serious accusations in here. They are silly and far fetched. Seriously.

This. There are a LOT of factors here.

The reality is that there is a concentrated spammer/hack effort that has been ongoing. It got very chronic and remains so. There are a lot of factors; but the truth is that there are bad people out there - but there's no way to reliably name names with any confidence in being accurate.
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