FM9 Firmware Version 8.00 public beta 2

Thirmware Thurthday !!!! Awesome!!!!! 🙏
Check It Out Mike Tyson GIF by DAZN North America
I've got a funeral to play for this Saturday and I'm running Beta 1. To update or not to update. Hmmmm. Should be fine, right?
I must be missing something, because this happens automatically for me everytime I update firmware. I get a message that says "block definitions are mismatched" (or something) and then the block definitions are all read/synced. This is the same as RANF, isn't it?
FM9-Edit will automatically RANF itself when you load a new firmware version. But if it's a new beta of the same firmware (like this one is), the RANF won't happen by itself, and you need to kick it off manually.
I must be missing something, because this happens automatically for me everytime I update firmware. I get a message that says "block definitions are mismatched" (or something) and then the block definitions are all read/synced. This is the same as RANF, isn't it?
I had this same experience and thought I was missing something too because I've never had to kick off the RANF myself. Here's the deal:

If you install the new Edit first before you do the firmware update it will have done the RANF for you when you open the new Edit up. But then if you keep Edit open and use the built in FractalBot it won't do the RANF for you again when you restart the unit. So you have to manually kick it off.

If you install the new Edit after you upgrade the firmware, it will do it automatically.
Whew! I suppose I need to be more exact with my words. I did download and install the firmware. Also, figured it out on my own. Seems like a tough crowd for newbies. ;)
Not really a tough crowd. One guy addressed the obvious first-attempt solution. Once you've been here a while, you'll see that some solutions to problems really are that simple and obvious. :)
Whew! I suppose I need to be more exact with my words. I did download and install the firmware. Also, figured it out on my own. Seems like a tough crowd for newbies. ;)

What was the solution? Incase I run in to the problem. I have a gig Saturday so I'm not taking chances with beta firmware before then. I've worked in IT for 30 years and I've been spanked before with beta updates.
But after Saturday I don't gig for a while so I'll install it then.
Downloaded the beta 2 and tested a bit before a rehearsal. I felt the gain was a touch gain-ier on my ODS 100 Clean. It actually made me experiment with the tone stack options and I really liked the Super 6G4 tone stack with the ODS 100. Cleaned the gain up a bit.

The Blues OD sounds killer!!! That’s new right?
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I must be missing something, because this happens automatically for me everytime I update firmware. I get a message that says "block definitions are mismatched" (or something) and then the block definitions are all read/synced. This is the same as RANF, isn't it?
It doesn't with successive beta versions...
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