FM9 Firmware Version 8.00 public beta 2

Not sure if this is the right place to post a potential issue on my FM9 with FW 8 public beta 1 but here goes...

I have a "The Final Countdown" synth patch that I've been using fine for a number of earlier firmware but on this one, at a gig it maxed the CPU and cut sound so we couldn't do the song. I believe the CPU used to sit around the 83-85 percent mark but can't swear to it without reloading old firmware.

All other pre-sets are fine. and I usually triple check them after new FW updates (A/B by recording and volume checking each scene on each preset etc.) but must have missed this one or it was just fine whilst I was checking.

This pre-set is probably due a ground up rebuild anyway as its not my favorite amp tone any more but I've 'fixed' it by removing the non synth chorus block that I wasn't actually using and by removing a few unnecessary shunt.

Anyway, I thought i'd upload it here and report it for others just in case its an issue worth investigating.
do you still have the fw7 version? I can load it up and tell you what the % is.
I have a quirky situation going on, but not sure if it’s firmware related. Running a parallel dual amp and cab preset. Using the same IR for both cabs and identical settings on the amp (JVM Orange OD1), the amp levels are about 10 db apart to match the same output on the preset leveler. I triple checked each setting and everything is exactly the same settings wise. Amp 1 tickles the red at like -12 and Amp 2 is at like -2 to get the same output level. I can’t figure out why this is happening. Both amps set to mute while bypassed.
I get this issue a little more frequently now but when I first power up the FM9 it'll get through all the loading screens and then the screen will go blank and it hangs there. I turn off the power again and power it back on and it makes it through on the second go. but It's happened every day this week with this beta firmware and now also the stock 7 firmware. Is anyone else getting this?

This has happened to me. I only had my FM9T a week. Firmware 7. It only happened if I turned off my FM9 and then almost right away turned it back on for whatever reason. The normal behavior is a blank screen for a couple seconds then it loads. But when I turned it off then back on it would hang on that blank screen. I'd turn it off and back on again and it would load normally. It didn't always hang if I turned it off then back on but if it did happen, turning off then back on is when it would. I always had the editor open as well. Have no idea if that has anything to do with it. I've since updated to firmware beta 2 8. I also leave the FM9 on all day till bed time so I have not since turned it off then back on again. I also close the editor when I turn off the unit. Now in a week its not happened once.
I get my order of Dak Coffee tomorrow, so sitting down on Friday with a cup of the best Joe in the world while loading a new firmware really sounds perfect.

F*** Im old lol

Also, if there are any coffee snobs in here, do yourself a favor and splurge on Dak Coffee. It's unlike anything I have ever tried. Literal candy.
Ah, from Amsterdam! I will definitely check them out next time I'm there, unfortunately not likely before the new firmware posts. For coffee snobs in the US:
I buy coffee green and roast my own. Prefer Ethiopian coffee. I have a sensitive palate when it comes to bitterness. I’ve found light roasted Ethiopian coffee to be acidic and have a lot of fruity notes.
Was supposed to be a reply to:
I get my order of Dak Coffee tomorrow, so sitting down on Friday with a cup of the best Joe in the world while loading a new firmware really sounds perfect.

F*** Im old lol

Also, if there are any coffee snobs in here, do yourself a favor and splurge on Dak Coffee. It's unlike anything I have ever tried. Literal candy.
I’m a little tired today…
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