FM3: G66 availability?

We expect to receive the first shipping at the beginning of june. They will be NO HP OUT units
Really? I'm dissapointed, to say the least. It's not like "give me my toy!" (well, maybe just a little bit :D ), but I'm feeling cheated one more time. :/ Wasn't there and info, that only good units will be available in Europe? :/
I may got a bit too emotional, but as far as I remember, EU units should be only with headphones jack.
And "one more time", because we learned that so far only non-HP FM3 are available few weeks after there was a post that full warehouse of FM3 is just waiting for firmware to be completed.
Eh, I'm bummed about this. :(
Any estimates for HP units to be available? 2021, I guess?
Really? I'm dissapointed, to say the least. It's not like "give me my toy!" (well, maybe just a little bit :D ), but I'm feeling cheated one more time. :/ Wasn't there and info, that only good units will be available in Europe? :/
That was weeks before when FAS did not know that so many customers from the USA and canadians reject the non HP units.
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If you want play at home using headphones, just buy Behringer P2 or something similar. I think this amp is cheaper than non HP jack discount.
This is your guest, It’s not what I wrote.
Don't judge. The frustration is very understandable. :)
It's now over a year on how the release of FM3 was nothing but a bumpy obstacle ride. The final version of FM3 is still not released...
After having hope to see the final version for G66 to finally be released this month, the natural reaction to "We sill start shipping the unfinished version next month", for some people is "oh ffs!".
Ah well, the no HP version is a start. Better to have that, to take some people out of the waitlist sooner, rather than waiting more. Patience, yall.
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Don't judge. The frustration is very understandable. :)
It's now over a year on how the release of FM3 was nothing but a bumpy obstacle ride. The final version of FM3 is still not released...
After having hope to see the final version for G66 to finally be released this month, the natural reaction to "We sill start shipping the unfinished version next month", for some people is "oh ffs!".
Ah well, the no HP version is a start. Better to have that, to take some people out of the waitlist sooner, rather than waiting more. Patience, yall.
I can obviously understand BUT I think that for many people (starting from a later point in the list) this can also be seen as “good the list is getting shorter”. Unfortunately we (and also FAS) would have been more than happy to start selling the units last year. Unfortunately bad luck won over intentions.
I'm that far behind in the wait list that I'm 100% sure I won't be offered a non-HP box. If there weren't any leftover non-HP boxes sent from the US to Europe the wait list processing would start even later. For me it's good FAS tries to make them available via G66 as well. No harm done.
Pretty much every day I consider to send an email to G66 and just let them delete my waitlist entry.
I could finally get my mind off this thing and stop the ongoing frustration. Perhaps it‘s time to move on.
It would be stupid not to sell the HP equipped boxes as soon as they're available given the fact that even FAS has to pay its bills.
It would be stupid to have X-amount of units in the warehouse, that barely anyone would buy. (having a choice, $50 is nothing to have headphones out, even if it's "just in case").
And this also means that HP units are still not produced. Or Fractal wants to sell all non-HP units first.
Not true.
They have been produced. Thing is, they couldn't be shipped from China to Fractal because of Corona. So... Since corona started, they've just been laying there. The plan is, that they should arrive to Fractal and start shipping to US/Canada customers sometime this month.
Whether they have arrived to fractal, or where they are right now, is not communicated yet.

Like others, I expected some of them to travel right to G66 and other distributors... But apparently, G66 are only getting the left-over non-HP units atm...
I never understood why European customers are considered less important. Other companies don't operate this way.
Imagine, that some of popular groceries in Poland have worse ingredients than exactly the sam product in Germany. :) It's getting better lately, but still.

Anyways, I think all possible theories about non-HP units were already written here earlier, so there's no point in repeating them if we want to have this thread open. :)
I'm hugely disappointed by the ongoing situation, I don't doubt the only ones more disappointed are G66 and Fractal. It's good they are managing to get hold of some FM3's to sell over here, but this whole thing is one disappointment after another

Thanks to the delay in the FM3 I had the money for a (second hand) III. Which is utterly fantastic, just the best thing I've played through let alone owned. So my need for the FM3 isn't the same as when I had my AX8.

I've never used the headphone out on my III, but if I was ever going to use a headphone out it would be on a portable unit, so I think I'll sit back and wait, some more, for when headphone models come in as the FM3 was really for gigs and rehearsals, so seeing as they're not happening now I can wait longer.
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