FM3 Firmware Version 9.00

I'll be busy the next few days. I plan to download the firmware, do a full reset on all my presets (about 300) and enter in the original values, which I've already have written down and then plug in check them all out.
Step one... back up your presets (do a full backup before updating anything)!!! Then you can be fearless as a restore is only clicks away. Save a copy to an empty slot and muck with it there so you can A/B quickly? I'm sure you'll come up with a flow you like but honestly don't miss that critical step of backing up!
Did that like always and then made a clean version of bank D with a copy of each preset and saved that too, so have at least my old settings available. Wait and see..

Edit : have it all installed and did a Amp reset for my main patches only. At low level (it's a bit late here) the wow effect mainly concerns the patch and scene changing improvements.
All amps will need some retweaking, the vibrolux a bit more, only one patch in overflow (but easily corrected). Overall volume seems a bit lower for clean settings of some amps, with a few hours this weekend things should be alright.
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Installed w/o problem.

FYI, if you are one that wants to ditch Dynacabs, this could be your chance. After updating I got the "Dynacabs not installed" message. You'll just have to acknowledge that on every boot.
Yes, I've been running without the Dyna-Cabs installed since 9.0b1, so just exit the error and enjoy the fast emergency boot time.

In my case I use a Two Notes Torpedo CAB with the FM3 to save CPU and provide 2048 point Dyn-IR's like the FM9/AFX3 (cab, mics, room/reverb, and EQ powered via the FAS connector).

Thanks Fractal!
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I still haven't clear what soft reset mean.... I have to select another amp and select the original it again? or is enough to resave the presets? there's a way to reapply all the settings as they are but do a soft or hard reset?? sorry I've read the guide posted but I'm still confused.
And if I don't do this I get the settings as they where on the previous release?
Sorry a bit confused about this (and also I just redid most of my preset for the beta2 .... :) )
Possible bug. With Drive 1 bypassed, change the channel of the Drive 1 block. There is an audible gap as the channels are changed even though the block is bypassed. I checked a few other blocks that were in the preset to see of any others exhibited this behavior and they did not. I was using the stock Super Verb preset
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Possible bug. With Drive 1 bypassed, change the channel of the Drive 1 block. There is an audible gap as the channels are changed even though the block is bypassed. I checked a few other blocks that were in the preset to see of any others exhibited this behavior and they did not. I was using the stock Super Verv preset
Just tried on mine, does the same, but when I bypass the amp block the drive block no longer causes a gap when switched through channels.
I still haven't clear what soft reset mean.... I have to select another amp and select the original it again? or is enough to resave the presets? there's a way to reapply all the settings as they are but do a soft or hard reset?? sorry I've read the guide posted but I'm still confused.
And if I don't do this I get the settings as they where on the previous release?
Sorry a bit confused about this (and also I just redid most of my preset for the beta2 .... :) )
The wiki is your friend...

What happens when you reset an amp
New Envelope Filter is definitely something I will have to take the time to learn. Any chance we can get a mix knob in the filter block?

I think a mix would be a nice addition. I notice the sensitivity works not like what I thought it would. Lower is more effect and higher is less. Guess that means it kicks in at a lower level and seems more pronounced as a result. Higher you need to hit it harder so less pronounced? Beats me but I really like this thing. You can add a mix by putting a shunt around the filter, and a mixer block after both filter and shunt. That allows you to set levels on both. That's how I set up my previous versions of a Mutron. This new one is better, it's legit.
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