FM3 Firmware Version 9.00

As a fellow non-Turbo FM3 user ... I see patch's like this and I am reminded just how much juice a Cab or IR Block uses in terms of CPU cycles !


IIRC, the Amp block is on its own core. The cab uses its own memory too.

To test, I created a preset with an in, two shunts, and an out. That uses approximately 16.3% of the CPU. I replaced one of the shunts with the amp block and it went to 18.0%. Then I replaced the other shunt with a cab block and it went to 20.9%. This is on a FM3 Turbo so it might be a little higher on the regular FM3, but probably not because the Amp and Cab are not part of the main CPU consumption on the regular FM3 either.
IIRC, the Amp block is on its own core. The cab uses its own memory too.

To test, I created a preset with an in, two shunts, and an out. That uses approximately 16.3% of the CPU. I replaced one of the shunts with the amp block and it went to 18.0%. Then I replaced the other shunt with a cab block and it went to 20.9%. This is on a FM3 Turbo so it might be a little higher on the regular FM3, but probably not because the Amp and Cab are not part of the main CPU consumption on the regular FM3 either.
On a non-turbo FM3, the Cab Block uses about 4.5% - 5%, though in my case the Torpedo CAB also does Reverb and EQ, so all totaled it's on average a 20% savings. Don't forget that it's just the convolution aspect on the FPU or GPU (can't remember which?), but the Cab Block's Preamps, Filters, and Room Sim are all likely on the main CPU AFAIK, and they require additional processing power if used.
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I think this update is a continuation what what I have experienced in the last few updates. For my high gain chunk playing, I notice the low end and lower mids keep getting cleared up. Less mush and boxiness. The high end is more present without getting ear piercing. I find I am doing less and less extreme EQing. I find it feeling more snappy.
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