FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

Привет, а точно сетап-и\о-буферсайз стоит 48, а не 1536? При переходе с 5 прошивки на 6 по моему, они выставили по дефолту 1536, и надо было после прошивки менять на минимальное значение, иначе задержка была неподъёмной. Я не помню, чтоб задержка была сильно ощутимой после смены на 48, мой юсб порт давно сдох, по этому оттестить не и могу.

Google translated: Hello, is it true that the setup-and-buffersize costs 48 and not 1536? When switching from firmware 5 to 6, in my opinion, they set the default to 1536, and after the firmware it was necessary to change it to the minimum value, otherwise the delay was unaffordable. I don’t remember that the delay was very noticeable after changing to 48, my USB port died a long time ago, so I can’t check this.
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Thank you for the update. Will firmware 8.00 be linked to on the main FM3 Downloads page?
They will once they are reasonably sure all major concerns are addressed.
Ref the kill dry issue, I’m amazed there hasn’t been a quick “bug fix release” firmware update to fix that issue.
Fractal doesn't work that way (with "quick fixes"). The fix is to roll back to the official FW linked to on the company website referenced in the quote above.
They will once they are reasonably sure all major concerns are addressed.

Fractal doesn't work that way (with "quick fixes"). The fix is to roll back to the official FW linked to on the company website referenced in the quote above.
Yes they do - the Axefx3 has had bug fixes out within a few hours, but mostly they are fixed in a few days.
Yes they do - the Axefx3 has had bug fixes out within a few hours, but mostly they are fixed in a few days.
He should have said the FM3 team doesn't update like Cliff does to the III, I don't know why, I would have expected an update to these "fixed in the next release" within a couple days but I'm just an end user.
He should have said the FM3 team doesn't update like Cliff does to the III, I don't know why, I would have expected an update to these "fixed in the next release" within a couple days but I'm just an end user.
This is my concern as a current FX8 owner and a former AX8 owner, those product soon got reduced updates compared to the AxeFX II. I own lots of fractal products and thought the FM3 and FM9 would have similar support to the AxeFX3 due to the common firmware architecture and more integrated development team.
Not criticizing but I have noticed that the pace of firmware updates and bug related fixes has slowed down over the past 18 mos. I was kind of expecting to see an 8.01 relatively quickly consider the lack of bugs in this particular release. The killdry issue is the only thing I have notice using mine but the rest is extremely stable. Make note I am not slagging Fractal here I am just stating my observation. I should just shutup and play my guitar.........
@FractalAudio There is still latency when recording in a DAW. Will this ever be fixed?
The FM3 does not have the bug that was fixed on Axe-Fx III and FM9, where the latency could vary from one boot to another. Like any audio interface, it will add some latency to a recording system. Here are two things you can do.

1. Lower the USB BUFFER SIZE on the FM3 to its minimum setting.
2. Apply global latency compensation in your DAW.
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Never happened in FM3 land. Maybe that's because it gets worked out on the III first.
That’s a big part of it. Features often get worked out and refined on the Axe-Fx before they get put into the FM3 and FM9. That means fewer firmware releases for the FMs. In a good way. :)
Great update, especially gapless switching, updated Amps and added ODs !

I noticed a very annoying bug when editing from FM3 Edit and saving a preset; The Layouts are messed up (only one View remains with totally different settings.
I have not yet been able to reproduce, but will keep an eye out for this.

Has anyone else got this issue ?
Great update, especially gapless switching, updated Amps and added ODs !

I noticed a very annoying bug when editing from FM3 Edit and saving a preset; The Layouts are messed up (only one View remains with totally different settings.
I have not yet been able to reproduce, but will keep an eye out for this.

Has anyone else got this issue ?
I found out the following: after using the Preset Manager tool to copy/paste a preset, exiting the manager, the Layout switched to Layout #1.
So it's not really a bug, but an unexpected feature.
It does not always happen, so i cannot yet exactly reproduce this issue. I will post this, if I find that out.
I searched for a long time, to finally understand that it is the kill dry that has a problem.
I have all my delays and reverbs in parallel. I updated everything with the kill dry.
Experience, cut and put back the kill dry, you will notice that it is exactly this change in volume that you have.
Thanks for this. We'll get it fixed.
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