[fixed] FC12 PROBLEM (& FC6)....3 BUTTONS (ALL BUTTONS) not functioning..but light up.

Hi all,
(UPDATE...(this happens on my FC6 also)
This problem started yesterday.
After a AXE EDIT update.
And after a LAYOUT LINKS edit.

Bottom Right 3 buttons are not working, yet are on.
They work once or twice very slowly then clap out. The whole bottom LEFT 3 buttons are slow but still work.
The top 6 buttons work fast and fine.

I have so far tried many cables.
Opened both the FC12 and AXEFX3 to check ribbons are connected. (They are fine).
Re-loaded previous firmware.
Reset FC to factory and then loaded my LAYOUTS.


All of this is random. As once in every few reboots, it works fine. No clunky switching.

I've tried the obvious and would appreciate hearing from anyone who may have had this problem

(frustrating with a weekend of gigs coming up)
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I have a similar scenario to yours. About 6 weeks ago, the bottom right 3 buttons on my FC12 would stop responding after a period of use, sometimes immediately, sometimes after a while. Rest of the buttons are fine. No discernible cause that I could figure out- happened on different patches and I changed/checked cables etc. Even tried a system reset. It is always fixed with a reboot or disconnecting/reconnecting the FC12. I raised a ticket with Support and I ended up sending it in for repair. It was very quickly repaired and sent back to me but the same problem continued.

I then got another FC-12 and had the same problem, except the bottom left 3 buttons stop responding (other side) ! Also, sometimes one of the lower buttons lights stays on. Very strange for sure.

The Fractal support team is aware and are actively investigating - could be software related.

I also have a big gig coming up this weekend so will use my original FC12 with a workaround with the button assignments.
I have a similar scenario to yours. About 6 weeks ago, the bottom right 3 buttons on my FC12 would stop responding after a period of use, sometimes immediately, sometimes after a while. Rest of the buttons are fine. No discernible cause that I could figure out- happened on different patches and I changed/checked cables etc. Even tried a system reset. It is always fixed with a reboot or disconnecting/reconnecting the FC12. I raised a ticket with Support and I ended up sending it in for repair. It was very quickly repaired and sent back to me but the same problem continued.

I then got another FC-12 and had the same problem, except the bottom left 3 buttons stop responding (other side) ! Also, sometimes one of the lower buttons lights stays on. Very strange for sure.

The Fractal support team is aware and are actively investigating - could be software related.

I also have a big gig coming up this weekend so will use my original FC12 with a workaround with the button assignments.
Ahhh yes, this is my problem.
Definitely software as I've just discovered the same happens on my FC6.

Im trying a complete CLEAR of PRESETS and LAYOUTS now. Will let you know how i go.
Sooooo frustrating!
I had my FC-12 show "Hot Kitty" on all the button LCD yesterday, and, the FC seemed "locked up" not responding..Reboot was not effective. Reinstalled the latest backup I had which was up to date on FW and it resolved the issues. Hopefully, you find a painless fix to your issue.
So, UPDATE #2.
Just tried my MFC 101 and it seems to be doing the same thing. Sequential MFC selection results in random AXEFX3 patches.
Its a bloody mess!
2 days on this already!
So, UPDATE #2.
Just tried my MFC 101 and it seems to be doing the same thing. Sequential MFC selection results in random AXEFX3 patches.
Its a bloody mess!
2 days on this already!
Just clarifying that the MFC is not actually doing “the same thing” as the FC, right?
@PETER NORTHCOTE, can you send me or attach your "System + Global Blocks + FC" backup from FractalBot, please? I'll take a look at this. If you notice this occurs on a particular preset, please include that, too.

What versions of Axe-Fx III and FC firmware are you running?
Hi Bryant,
I'm sending the files to Matt now.
(would you like the backups also?)

I did think it might have been a particular preset as ive had an issue (not similar) before.
So i cleared all presets. Same problem.

Its definitely software.
Here's what i'm sending Matt:
As usual, it was working fine all day at the studio.
I did the latest firmware 12.02 and the AXE EDIT updates. All from my MICROSOFT SURFACE.

When i got home I connected to my studio MAC. Updated the AXE EDIT.
Immediately after that, I thought I would try some LAYOUT LINKS. I made one edit, realised it was doing nothing and reverted.
That's when it went haywire.

Yes it's software. It is happening across different FC12 & FC6 and an MFC 101.

My attempts have been the obvious.
Roll back to FW 11.
Roll back and reset FC FW to 9.
Cleared all presets ( i thought maybe one preset was the problem. This has been as issue before) then tested. Then reloaded.
Opened up the FC and the 111 to check ribbons are connected.

Interesting that it sometimes works fine. But it messes up more times than it doesn't.
Too risky to take to a gig.

Ive found some other people with the same problem.

A big weekend of gigs starting tonight.
I've had to get the AX8 out. Thats kinda fun but a challenge coming from the 111.

Thanks and cheers
Are you using any MIDI Mapping? I use this feature for Setlist workaround and find if I have mapping enable but try to step through presets by increment, I get random results. Worth checking I suppose...
Sounds similar to my intermittent issue. Seems to affect most of the right most switches on my FC12. Very hard to troubleshoot as sometimes it will work great and other times it will freeze up 3 or more times ina single rehearsal.

Let me know if I should open another support ticket. I had a few email exchanges with Mark in December and thought I had a workaround but it still does it now and then.
I am having similar problems. FW 12.02, FC 1.10, AXE-Edit 1.5. I had only been using my FC-6 in preset mode, but today I have had it lock up in MLM, had the Scene Layout stop working at Scene 4, even had the Preset Layout lock up on one of Moke’s presets. I have to reboot the AF3 every time, which fixes it.

Edit: SOLVED. I was using a preset that was accessing the Global Scales, and I hadn't entered any data. I updates to 12.03, entered the data, problem solved.
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