Fender FR-12 preamp mod : The Hissterectomy

@WKSmith - just out of interest, what components are missing from the FR10 boards and why would they be different to the FR12 given your V2 is the same for both variants?
Also, regarding the phase issue, do you think the stock preamps were designed that way for a reason? My electronics knowledge is very limited but I just want to understand the logic. Could they not have just reversed the speaker connections during assembly to resolve it or is it not that simple?
There are components marked DNP (do not populate) on the stock preamps that are indeed populated in the FR-12 version. These are in the later stages of the convoluted eq design.

As to why they have the phase reversed, and components removed in the 10.. I have no Idea 🤣 add it to list list of dumb stuff in the stock pre that is really revealing some questionable design choices.

And yes it is as simple as reversing the speaker and horn leads to fix the phase reversal in the stock pre. F-corp gets that tip for free.
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Gotta ask... what's the sound/cause of sweeter highs?
I'm only guessing, but it's possibly the difference in frequency response of the 12 vs the 10 near the crossover point. I think the horns and drivers and the amp module in the cab for the LF driver are otherwise identical.
I'm only guessing, but it's possibly the difference in frequency response of the 12 vs the 10 near the crossover point. I think the horns and drivers and the amp module in the cab for the LF driver are otherwise identical.
So the natural question is: Do you still feel the same about the 12 vs the 10 AFTER V2 upgrade? I don't find anything wanting with the 10 but I have not compared.
So the natural question is: Do you still feel the same about the 12 vs the 10 AFTER V2 upgrade? I don't find anything wanting with the 10 but I have not compared.
yes .. but its really subtle. I have various V2s in all of them now. Thats why I ordered a second 12.
Im keeping the pair of 10s too. Their size works better for loading out if I get back in a playing out situation again one day.
I can't fit the 12s in my trunk... especially not 2 of them.
ill say this too..
If you are debating between a FR10 and FR12 for the difference in low end thump,
The V2 in a FR10 will match the low end response of the FR12 by just dialing up the bass knob up a notch or two (out of 40 notches).
you could not tell them apart blindfolded and listening for any bass response differences.

The bass freq of the thump is higher that the lowest resonant freq of the speakers. You really can't hear much difference in the 60-65 Hz range like it appears to on paper.
ill say this too..
If you are debating between a FR10 and FR12 for the difference in low end thump,
The V2 in a FR10 will match the low end response of the FR12 by just dialing up the bass knob up a notch or two (out of 40 notches).
you could not tell them apart blindfolded and listening for any bass response differences.

The bass freq of the thump is higher that the lowest resonant freq of the speakers. You really can't hear much difference in the 60-65 Hz range like it appears to on paper.

Ditto that. The little guy really kicks butt. Plenty of thump.
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