Fender FR-12 preamp mod : The Hissterectomy

@Beexter - just wondering what the difference is between taking an XLR out from the FR-10 to feed the FOH as opposed to just using say OUT1 or OUT2 from the FM9?
Not sure about the FM9 but with the AxeFx3 I like the idea of controlling the level of the feed to FOH. Using OUT2 accomplishes that .
@Beexter - just wondering what the difference is between taking an XLR out from the FR-10 to feed the FOH as opposed to just using say OUT1 or OUT2 from the FM9?
I'm not sure there is a difference to be honest - for me it was convenience as the FR10 was at the back of the stage (small UK pub gig) and meant I could run the XLR cable behind the drummer and across to the board on the other side of the stage, meaning less cables across the stage.
Also, most of my "room" volume was coming from the FR10 with just a little blended into FOH so if needed, I could adjust the output of the FR10 without affecting the FOH/ monitor mix.
I'm not sure there is a difference to be honest - for me it was convenience as the FR10 was at the back of the stage (small UK pub gig) and meant I could run the XLR cable behind the drummer and across to the board on the other side of the stage, meaning less cables across the stage.
Also, most of my "room" volume was coming from the FR10 with just a little blended into FOH so if needed, I could adjust the output of the FR10 without affecting the FOH/ monitor mix.
Maybe @WKSmith can respond as he’s stuck his head in the board but your comments seem to jibe with Fender’s in that the output on the FR series is just a pass through.
Understand you are on hiatus @WKSmith hope you are enjoying your time away mate.

Just wondering how I get on the wait list for the V2 please?. Sorry if I have missed this somewhere.

Quick question guys. I want to take my FR-10 apart to check the PCB to see if it has the "Fender" mod. I have taken the top two screws out, the 8 directly at the back, but can't seem to get the chassis out. Well its not coming out easily. Have I missed anything?. Do I just pry it up and out with a flathead screwdriver (carefully of course)?.
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