Fender FR-12 preamp mod : The Hissterectomy

You're a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you!

Also - maybe for the future - if the kit included a rubber washer it would help quell that uneasiness about the wiggle!
I'm the rubber washer guy mentioned earlier. I have 2 V2s and only one washer! Lol! For the second V2, I used a tall rack screw washer. Basically, any washer that fits around the shaft and lifts the knob off the surface of the chassis will do the trick. Push down on the knob before screwing the set screw and you're golden. Feels sturdy and strong.
That's a little rare, but I would try it
Liam, the Devil himself called me. He has a club in hell with live music and he wants me to play there next week.
Could you move my position in the waiting list to the top?
I promise to tell the club's doorman to let you in when you drop by.
Nice try! LOL I'm still waiting on mine. After that I don't care! 🤣
Liam, the Devil himself called me. He has a club in hell with live music and he wants me to play there next week.
Could you move my position in the waiting list to the top?
I promise to tell the club's doorman to let you in when you drop by.
Besides that, all kidding aside, I have congestive heart failure, 35% heart function, due to 3 100% blocked arteries that apparently in my case is inoperable other than a heart transplant that I absolutely won't do. You would never know I have this condition though as I look and act completely normal and carry on with life as usual as I won't let this thing beat me. Anyway, I would like to have the chance to install this V2 in both of my FR12s and play through it before I die. ;)
No, it's just a basic bi-polar power supply +12V and -12V the preamp ground is 0V .

The chassis ground is floating and is not at 0V potential.

And the stock FR pre has two charge pumps for the ICs inflating the 24v delta supply up to 36V .. mine metered at almost 38V and the ICs are only rated at 36V max.
I deleted all of that BS in the V2

They should trademark
Designed by Clowns TM. 🤡

The Great Loss of Competency

Gonna have to the learn it all again … sumpthin’ sumpthing … good times make for weak men …

I’m in Asturias right now …

View attachment 141705

That is a version of Fabada (Asturias bean soup), which also has pork belly, blood sausage, and chorizo.

I’m pretty sure that’s a glass of Spanish red wine.

I’m also pretty sure that Lucifer is nowhere near, or effective on this journey. 🙏

I think I just threw up on myself! 🤣 Just kidding! I'd try it as I love chorizo! So are you actually in Spain or is this the name of the restaurant you are in?
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In winter that revives the dead!, for the cold it is the best.
But I live in the south, Andalusia, and here it is hot enough for cicadas to live in the living room with the air conditioning.
I live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Ronda.
In winter that revives the dead!, for the cold it is the best.
But I live in the south, Andalusia, and here it is hot enough for cicadas to live in the living room with the air conditioning.
I live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Ronda.
View attachment 141707
Wow! That is gorgeous! I lived in Europe 3 different times but never made it to Spain. Lived in Bad Tölz, Berlin, and Munich. Traveled to many other countries as well but Spain always eluded me. Just might have to make a trip there and check it off my list. Looks really cool!
I have a thread in the lounge that has a ton of photos.

Hasn’t been warmer than 73°F
I'll check it out if I can figure out where and how to get into the lounge!

Found it. What a gorgeous place and great photos! Sorry if we took the forum off track everybody. My apologies.
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