Fender Deluxe - Am I crazy?

VegaBaby said:
How's anyone supposed to know who's not into taking amps apart that a Deluxe has a 6.8k resistor and that setting the Axe to 6.8 it replicates the mising mids control :? . It's a shame that things like this get randomly mentioned on the side in a thread of 20 pages where anyone barely pays attention after page 4.

Information like this belongs into the manual which could really need some updating as well.

Was the setting of 6.8 always the case ? Only with the new model ? How about other non Mid models ?

I can already hear the 'use your ears' comments, but obviously there are a few of us who are interested in default settings like these as a starting point.

You sure do complain a lot.
FractalAudio said:
VegaBaby said:
How's anyone supposed to know who's not into taking amps apart that a Deluxe has a 6.8k resistor and that setting the Axe to 6.8 it replicates the mising mids control :? . It's a shame that things like this get randomly mentioned on the side in a thread of 20 pages where anyone barely pays attention after page 4.

Information like this belongs into the manual which could really need some updating as well.

Was the setting of 6.8 always the case ? Only with the new model ? How about other non Mid models ?

I can already hear the 'use your ears' comments, but obviously there are a few of us who are interested in default settings like these as a starting point.

You sure do complain a lot.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That was funny...

Sorry Vega... but you do sound a bit like my wife while I'm trying to watch some UFC and she's complaining about me not doing something or the other... (please forgive me because I haven't read the entire thread... you know I got love for ya Vega!!!)

I just take Cliff's tidbits of "behind the scenes genius" as a something my mechanic is trying to tell me about my motor needing a flux capacitor or something or the other... it's all over my head. I just need to know that when I pop my key in the ignition that the sucker is gonna start.
Mmm, I wonder what the reactions would have been like if it had been someone else who accused VegaBaby of "complaining a lot" ... AFAIK he helps others around here and did a great job assising Raca in keeping the Lars editor up-to-date.

Stuff like this about the mids is important for a lot of users. Just needs to be documented.
I think VegaBaby has a valid point, and I think Cliff's comeback was meant to be light hearted anyway.

That all being said, there is a lot of great information tucked away in threads and in the Wiki that is vital yet hard to find. Don't get me wrong, the folks that update the Wiki etc do a brilliant job, but it seems there is still a lot of assumed info trapped in the Master's Mind that would help us a great deal if properly documented (well, especially someone like me who has never touched a circuit board in his life). That's my humble 2 cent comment over and out. :)

Those of us who have amassed a large amount of knowledge about tube amps have done it over many, many years of investigation, experimentation, learning, corroboration, testing of hypotheses, making mistakes and exposing of myths. For many of us this was done before the Internet even existed. Indeed, it was done at time when design information was held far more secretly than Cliff is with his AxeFX.

To ask that all this knowledge be compiled for instant reference is really not practical IMHO, and symptomatic of the instant gratification generation. Just my opinion, please understand, but one of the best things about this hobby for me is that I don't know it all - I'm still learning and hope to be doing that until the day I die.

So yes, for folks who didn't know that 6.8K was used in Fender tone-stacks with no middle control, it's just another small step in the learning journey. Don't resent the information as if it has been secretly withheld. My suggestion if you're really interested to learn rather than be spoon-fed is to use the Internet and all other available sources to seek out more knowledge. It's a lot of fun and a lot easier (and safer) than the way I did it!

*sigh* end of rant
One thing is to know that this pot is replaced by a 6.8k resistor (which I didn't), the other thing is to know that this is achieved by setting the mid control to 6.8 (which for sure I didn't).

I agree with VegaBaby that this would be nice to be mentioned in the manual, at least for the dummies like me (who had just two real tube amps up to now).
hhjh.de said:
I agree with VegaBaby that this would be nice to be mentioned in the manual, at least for the dummies like me (who had just two real tube amps up to now).

I look at this as a very fair trade; Cliff doesn't have to document every technical tidbit that might possibly help someone, and we don't have to wait five years for firmware upgrades. That Cliff is as active as he is in these forums - and as helpful - is really great and enough for me.

And still I'm not saying that it's the greatest thing that the manual is partially dated. I'm saying I'd rather have a great product and this kind of support than a great manual. I can learn the product (with a little help from my Fractal forum friends).
FractalAudio said:
VegaBaby said:
How's anyone supposed to know who's not into taking amps apart that a Deluxe has a 6.8k resistor and that setting the Axe to 6.8 it replicates the mising mids control :? . It's a shame that things like this get randomly mentioned on the side in a thread of 20 pages where anyone barely pays attention after page 4.

Information like this belongs into the manual which could really need some updating as well.

Was the setting of 6.8 always the case ? Only with the new model ? How about other non Mid models ?

I can already hear the 'use your ears' comments, but obviously there are a few of us who are interested in default settings like these as a starting point.

You sure do complain a lot.
Oh...ok, that's the way it goes. For a second there I forgot the golden Fractal rules...
Beefcake said:
hhjh.de said:
I agree with VegaBaby that this would be nice to be mentioned in the manual, at least for the dummies like me (who had just two real tube amps up to now).

I look at this as a very fair trade; Cliff doesn't have to document every technical tidbit that might possibly help someone, and we don't have to wait five years for firmware upgrades. That Cliff is as active as he is in these forums - and as helpful - is really great and enough for me.

And still I'm not saying that it's the greatest thing that the manual is partially dated. I'm saying I'd rather have a great product and this kind of support than a great manual. I can learn the product (with a little help from my Fractal forum friends).

I made a request that wasn't meant as criticim, crisitr, critics... !@#$%^ how dow I spell that ..... criticism!
Just a kindly put request. I can't and won't ask Mr. Fractal for a complete historical briefing of all emulated amps. Of course not. But maybe a concise list of those nice-to-know things like above which are important for dialing in his amp sims? Why let every individual have to find out this him/herself? We (the community) can document it all if we are provided with the info. Some of us have the time to experiment, have good ears, and know all these things through experience, well, let's share the knowledge (in a structured way), especially when coming from the source, that's what the web is for. Then again ... how come we are discussing the difference between mids on 5 or mids on 7 .... but that's what we do here all the time! ;-)

EDIT: I've made a beginning with modifying the amps page in the wiki. Adding the description in the current manual, space for cabinet suggestions and space for notes. Anyone is welcome to contribute.
Beefcake said:
hhjh.de said:
I agree with VegaBaby that this would be nice to be mentioned in the manual, at least for the dummies like me (who had just two real tube amps up to now).

I look at this as a very fair trade; Cliff doesn't have to document every technical tidbit that might possibly help someone, and we don't have to wait five years for firmware upgrades. That Cliff is as active as he is in these forums - and as helpful - is really great and enough for me.

And still I'm not saying that it's the greatest thing that the manual is partially dated. I'm saying I'd rather have a great product and this kind of support than a great manual. I can learn the product (with a little help from my Fractal forum friends).

Very well said, it'd take too much time to update the manual and at the end it will in 3 toms, like Lord Of The Rings...
I had no clue about 6.8k resistor (I suck BIG time with electronics, never used soldering iron in my life)
but to be honest, I don't care about that, there are controls and parameters, mess around with them and look what you'll find.
IMO it's not that important if, an example. default amp presence pot value is represented by noon or zero on the Axe-Fx,
it's nice to know of course and that's where forum comes in.
At the end of the day, you have to hear if your tone misses some presence or it has too much of it, doesn't matter what default value is.
Back at the ranch . . . .

Stimulated by this thread, and the fact that I've been using the Twin model quite a bit lately, I went back and compared some different IR's, including Red Wires P12R, and the new C12N's, EV12ML's, & Celestion Blues. Also revisited some of the stock IR's.

IMO, the one that brings out a nice chime and almost 3D character in the highs is the stock 1 x 12 Black.

Doing these comparisons with a Strat, no "chime" in humbuckers anyway . . . :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Brian G said:
Doing these comparisons with a Strat, no "chime" in humbuckers anyway . . . :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

How come??
My friend loves his LP and he swears it can rip some funk like nothing else!! :lol:
FractalAudio said:
Well, I've been kinda messing with you guys...

I've actually been spending quite a bit of time on the Fender models lately along with the spring reverb.

Here's a sample of what the new "Deluxe Verb" model with the new reverb sounds like: http://www.fractalaudio.com/temp/fender.mp3

Damn... I started this whole messy thread, and then I hear this... I don't know when the revised model will be available, but all I can say is "Come To Papa". The high end chime is amazing, but listen to the starting low note guys. I experienced THAT character in my Fender amps, but never with the Axe-FX Fender models. I'm not sure if I'm hallucinating, but I think I hear some "Halleluias" from somewhere.

Really Cliff, thanks for the work you've put on this. If that's how the model end up in the next update, you'll make a lot of people happier than they already are with their Axe-Fx.
Beefcake said:
I look at this as a very fair trade; Cliff doesn't have to document every technical tidbit that might possibly help someone, and we don't have to wait five years for firmware upgrades. That Cliff is as active as he is in these forums - and as helpful - is really great and enough for me.

And still I'm not saying that it's the greatest thing that the manual is partially dated. I'm saying I'd rather have a great product and this kind of support than a great manual. I can learn the product (with a little help from my Fractal forum friends).

And you just know it that the moment Cliff releases a revised manual, someone else is going to start a thread entitled "Cliff: how about giving us new models instead of wasting time on a manual that nobody reads???" ;)
nah Cliff can be all things at all times in all places at once so it shouldn't be a problem... Cliff is not bound by the same time and physical limitations we mere humans are so accustomed to so its hard to see the world from his perspective. Sorry Cliff carry on as you were
Deltones said:
FractalAudio said:
Well, I've been kinda messing with you guys...

I've actually been spending quite a bit of time on the Fender models lately along with the spring reverb.

Here's a sample of what the new "Deluxe Verb" model with the new reverb sounds like: http://www.fractalaudio.com/temp/fender.mp3

Damn... I started this whole messy thread, and then I hear this... I don't know when the revised model will be available, but all I can say is "Come To Papa". The high end chime is amazing, but listen to the starting low note guys. I experienced THAT character in my Fender amps, but never with the Axe-FX Fender models. I'm not sure if I'm hallucinating, but I think I hear some "Halleluias" from somewhere.

Really Cliff, thanks for the work you've put on this. If that's how the model end up in the next update, you'll make a lot of people happier than they already are with their Axe-Fx.

Yeah dude! that is exactly what im talking about, where there is this *plunk" , almost like this "weight" to the notes . kind of like a p bass was quietly playing with you. THAT is what i've been missing with the fender models. They have such a unique feel to them.

I was about to buy a freznel tube preamp that has the exact bassman circuit, but with this new model, cliff just put $220 dollars in my pocket.

Seriously this was a huge reason that i didnt buy an axe-fx sooner, but having it added makes me 1000% percent satisfied.
I was starting to think it wasnt possible, so glad i was wrong.
jhuggins said:
nah Cliff can be all things at all times in all places at once so it shouldn't be a problem... Cliff is not bound by the same time and physical limitations we mere humans are so accustomed to so its hard to see the world from his perspective. Sorry Cliff carry on as you were
:shock: COOL!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Kriig said:
Dutch said:
The Deluxe sounded really good. I hope that Matt and the others will get what they are looking for.. Eyyyy Matt, does it get closer?? :)

The top end definitely has a lot more of that shimmer and sparkle that some of us were finding so elusive and not being able to properly replicate with just EQ. I'm very excited to hear more! :) And, of course, like everyone else, I can't wait to get to audition this new amp simm with my own guitars and playing. Thank you very much, Cliff, for taking the time to listen to those of us who were having difficulty with these simms... Your brilliance continues to show through in every new endeavor! ;)

This small taste has me looking forward to hearing whatever other new tweaks that Cliff may have done to the Fender sounds, such as refinements in the power amp break-up and better capturing that percussive snap and thunk quality that we so often talk of.

Fantastic work, Cliff!

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