Expression pedal controls last selected effect

How about this idea:
The last four External Controllers (Extrn 9-12) are "dynamic". They only act on the last effect engaged/bypassed. I.e., if you engage the Chorus and you have Extrn 9 attached to Rate it will control the rate until you engage/bypass a different effect. If that different effect also uses Extrn 9 then Extrn 9 will control that effect.

After preset recall no effects will be controlled until engaged/bypassed.

Cliff, is this idea dead or alive? Will we see there anything sometimes in that direction? A found the idea basically superb ... and very helpful!
Still looking forward to this one. I've been wanting this for ages since you could control your effects with just one expression pedal. Cliff must be busy with amp modeling at the moment but I hope we will see this feature in the near future!

I'm sure this has been requested at some point, but would it be possible to attach a modifier to a scene control? Or are they stored in a way that it's not possible can't change them on the fly? That way you could choose to use an expression pedal in a specific scene but otherwise leave it at default, let's say 50%. I'm just curious. But yeah, what Cliff suggested earlier is much better than this one.

Please! :eagerness: I promise to buy another Fractal product when I just get the money...
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