Expression pedal controls last selected effect

How about this idea:
The last four External Controllers (Extrn 9-12) are "dynamic". They only act on the last effect engaged/bypassed. I.e., if you engage the Chorus and you have Extrn 9 attached to Rate it will control the rate until you engage/bypass a different effect. If that different effect also uses Extrn 9 then Extrn 9 will control that effect.

After preset recall no effects will be controlled until engaged/bypassed.
Great idea. I'll propose a couple of modifications:

  1. Make "dynamic" a switchable, savable, per-preset state, available on all external controllers.
  2. Allow a starting modifier assignment; this will allow the controllers to be useful without the need to first stomp an engage/bypass switch.
Great idea. I'll propose a couple of modifications:

  1. Make "dynamic" a switchable, savable, per-preset state, available on all external controllers.
  2. Allow a starting modifier assignment; this will allow the controllers to be useful without the need to first stomp an engage/bypass switch.

Both thumbs up. *That* makes sense. Switchable is a must.
Great idea. I'll propose a couple of modifications:

  1. Make "dynamic" a switchable, savable, per-preset state, available on all external controllers.
  2. Allow a starting modifier assignment; this will allow the controllers to be useful without the need to first stomp an engage/bypass switch.

Very nice. Functionality like this is available on advanced MIDI controllers. Would be great to have it in the Axe-Fx itself.
How about this idea:
The last four External Controllers (Extrn 9-12) are "dynamic". They only act on the last effect engaged/bypassed. I.e., if you engage the Chorus and you have Extrn 9 attached to Rate it will control the rate until you engage/bypass a different effect. If that different effect also uses Extrn 9 then Extrn 9 will control that effect.

After preset recall no effects will be controlled until engaged/bypassed.

Sounds good if you add the ability to have a default - ideally global with the option of preset override.

I don't use a lot of effects per preset personally and I use two expression pedals - one for vibe (auto-engage + speed) and one for wah (spring loaded to auto-off). That's 95% of my expression pedal usage. I always have a couple IA switches unused. So it would be really cool if there was a way to change the controller that a given expression pedal is routed to via an IA switch. This would allow a pretty compact board to double up on things that could be dynamically controlled.
How about this idea:
The last four External Controllers (Extrn 9-12) are "dynamic". They only act on the last effect engaged/bypassed. I.e., if you engage the Chorus and you have Extrn 9 attached to Rate it will control the rate until you engage/bypass a different effect. If that different effect also uses Extrn 9 then Extrn 9 will control that effect.

After preset recall no effects will be controlled until engaged/bypassed.

I'm convinced I must be missing something here...
what is the difference between what is being suggested, and assigning the modifier to a few different FX blocks normally?
if the other FX blocks are bypassed you'll not hear if the modifier have been dynamically controlled..
I'm convinced I must be missing something here...
what is the difference between what is being suggested, and assigning the modifier to a few different FX blocks normally?
if the other FX blocks are bypassed you'll not hear if the modifier have been dynamically controlled..

You`re able to setup different values on different parameters with the same expression/external controller.
Yeah I'm still not understanding.

Currently the same external controller control each modifier value, attached to this external controller permanent at same time. The idea is: Only the last selected block`s modifier value will be changed. Means: Different modifier values can be actual active with one external controller at once.
This is, as i did understand it.
I'm convinced I must be missing something here...
what is the difference between what is being suggested, and assigning the modifier to a few different FX blocks normally?
if the other FX blocks are bypassed you'll not hear if the modifier have been dynamically controlled..

The point here is that it will only alter the most recently activated effect's parameters. So you could adjust chorus depth via the expression pedal and then turn on the delay and the expression pedal would only affect the delay.
The point here is that it will only alter the most recently activated effect's parameters. So you could adjust chorus depth via the expression pedal and then turn on the delay and the expression pedal would only affect the delay.

how do you get it back to adjust the chorus after that? i'm just trying to understand how i could use it.
This is very cool idea, hope this gets implemented it would be so useful.

Great idea. I'll propose a couple of modifications:

  1. Make "dynamic" a switchable, savable, per-preset state, available on all external controllers.
  2. Allow a starting modifier assignment; this will allow the controllers to be useful without the need to first stomp an engage/bypass switch.
sounds like it was already on in that example. so i'd have to turn off then on again quickly?

That's my impression. That's why I would prefer a way to do it via an IA switch. The way I'd see it working is:
  • You'd have virtual extern controllers (call it something like V-Extern 1-4)
  • You have an actual controller from an expression pedal or a switch that you're trying to route virtually
  • You have an incoming controller that you'd like to be the route changer - I'd be happy with it just being an A/B toggle
  • So you select a V-Extern for your modifier instead of the real Extern controller. Ideally, there'd be a default V-Extern chosen or perhaps it carries over from patch to patch.
The point here is that it will only alter the most recently activated effect's parameters. So you could adjust chorus depth via the expression pedal and then turn on the delay and the expression pedal would only affect the delay.

and the delay is not actually bypassed?? you've effectively only bypassed the delay's modifier whilst the chorus's modifier becomes active?
...I.e., if you engage the Chorus and you have Extrn 9 attached to Rate it will control the rate until you engage/bypass a different effect. If that different effect also uses Extrn 9 then Extrn 9 will control that effect.
When a block is bypassed, it could be useful to have the external controller revert back to the block it was previously assigned to.
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I think the greatest benefit would be to players who take a stomp-box approach to the Axe. Say you're playing along, using your one and only expression pedal to work your wah. Then you stomp your flanger, and your pedal is now controlling flanger depth. Stomp the wah again (or, in my world, bypass the flanger), and your XP is back to controlling the wah.
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