Distorted tone help

Thanks mate, yeah I usually use the TS 808 but tried the shimmer and liked it. I didn't feel the need to use the input eq when I was dialling it in. The PEQ is there more for the room for just playing not recording. I saw a clip of engineer and guitarist Kurt Ballou say something similar to Leon, spices are nice but you wouldn't sit down and eat a whole bowl of spices. Thanks again javajunkie for your advice.
Speaking of leon, he just did a video with the FAS Stealth Blue. Maybe that could be a better starting point for what you are looking for (or not :) )
No I am not, like I already said before, been using Fractal since the Ultra. Please do not patronise me, I am just a guitar player and spent my money like the rest of you, I do not feel I need to belong to some exclusive club and defend its honour. I thought music was meant to be fun and inclusive not elitist. Its fine if you feel loyal and protective, just don't put me or others down for having an issue and suggesting that the Fractal may not be god's gift to the world.
Well sir, you said you feel disgusted.
Let me help you with this link, downgrade to this FW25 and keep making music, no need for anything that was released in FW 26.


Maybe try FW 27 when it comes out officially.

Well sir, you said you feel disgusted.
Let me help you with this link, downgrade to this FW25 and keep making music, no need for anything that was released in FW 26.


Maybe try FW 27 when it comes out officially.

Thanks mate, I will assume you are not being sarcastic. I am not disgusted, I just think that putting people down because they dare question a Fractal product under some sense of devotion is disgusting, probably a better word is unfortunate or disappointing. I see these poor people on here have learnt to preface any question with, I know its all my fault, user error and not the Fractal but... I just won't do that. I feel all this has gotten in the way of community and helping each other out so that's it, Im not mentioning this again. All good.

Thanks to everyone that has given suggestions, I appreciate it. :)
Hi! Is there a Reference Sound you are going for? Maybe some Reference Song examples?
My favourite tones to hear and to play are modded Marshall type tones, enough gain to chug but still hear note definition and an open warm sound. I think that's where I have struggled for a long time is getting that warm chewy response from my playing that's not sterile, it has to feel good to play as well as sound good. I have tried the Atomic high but still have the same issue. This whole thread started with me thinking that there must be some parameter I have missed that's causing my issue. Like I have said the cleans sound amazing its just when I go to distortion in sounds smaller, shrill and boomy at the same time and after I finish trying to dial out/in the unpleasing frequencies, my tone sounds weak.
Thanks mate, no I haven't gone down that road yet, might give it a go.
Please do,
I understand your frustration and you are not exactly new to the ecosystem, but the axefx has been quite a rewarding journey for me personally.
Please hang in there and best of luck.
Thanks heaps mate I appreciate it. Yeah it is a great unit for sure, the fx’s are amazing and is a great audio interface. I really want to get it dialled in right. I’m not sure if that tube amp chewy attack on the low chords is possible.
Have you experimented with the Saturation Switch on the amp block? (Preamp tab)
Hey mate, yes I have experimented with it a while back when I saw a post on here from someone who was talking about it. How would you use it? I don't like my tones to gained out, say on a 5153 I have the gain on like 2.5-3 with a preamp boost. Thanks for you suggestion, appreciate it. Like I said in my original post I have tried a lot of things in the box and outside, like strings, intonation, different guitar cables, different guitars, monitors, bought isolation pads. The only thing I haven't done is acoustically treated my room, I know rooms have an impact on tone but surely most people on here are bedroom players like myself.
personally, having read a large chunk of this thread, i think the problem is your monitors. if there's any way for you to try some different ones, i think you should, even if it means taking your axe down to the local music store and running it into whatever they have down there, i'm sure they'd be happy to let you try a few pairs. otherwise borrow some, or even buy some and return them later. i think you would find it very revealing.
I would run it at 2 on ideal and adjust the gain/boost accordingly.

Coincidentally, my Fender FR-12 arrived today because I just can't stand using my HS7s anymore. My first impressions are that the FR-12 is much more pleasant to listen to, and the bass response is much better, with less cutting highs. But it sounds like you've tried just about everything to no avail. I'm not really sure what else you can try. I do hope you find a solution!
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personally, having read a large chunk of this thread, i think the problem is your monitors. if there's any way for you to try some different ones, i think you should, even if it means taking your axe down to the local music store and running it into whatever they have down there, i'm sure they'd be happy to let you try a few pairs. otherwise borrow some, or even buy some and return them later. i think you would find it very revealing.
Hey mate, I am starting to think that they are definitely part of the problem.
I would run it at 2 on ideal and adjust the gain/boost accordingly.

Coincidentally, my Fender FR-12 arrived today because I just can't stand using my HS7s anymore. My first impressions are that the FR-12 is much more pleasant to listen to, and the bass response is much better, with less cutting highs. But it sounds like you've tried just about everything to no avail. I'm not really sure what else you can try. I do hope you find a solution!
Thanks mate, yeah I think the HS7 are definitely not helping things.
I always suggest posting a matching DI with playing samples / preset in this sort of situation because it provides the forum a way to take that DI/preset, tweak the preset, and present a revised output back to the requestor. Without a DI, it always almost seems futile to me to guess beyond the typical culprits (just too many variables and inability to hear through someone elses room, monitors, ears), what the issue could be. I know it probably sounds tedius at this point in the thread after a lot of back and forth already, but making that matching DI available really does provide others a way to remotely play your guitar back to you with your hands on your monitors while tweaking your preset with proposed changes. You've already posted samples, preset, and reference music - matching DI would be the last piece (sorry if it is already there / I could not find it (long thread).
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