Dad Jokes

Alien: We have come to earth in search of intelligent life. Take us to your leader.
Clem: Ah, you-a little fellers er gonna need some clothes before ur presentable. My sister Daisybell kin fix you up with sumthin' nice.
Alien: What are these things called clothes?
Clem: They're sumthin' humans wer ever since man first put foot on this earth hisself. Come on now, don' be a draggling behind. Daisybell er'll take care yer.
Alien to other alien: (Note the ambling gait and worn accoutrements. Perhaps we chose not the best landing site for our explorer craft.)
2nd alien to first: (Are these "humans" really this clueless? If what we've viewed from their primitive recreation and entertainment monitors are an indication of "Intelligence," we may have selected an unworthy species to receive our knowledge.)
First alien: (Yes, but remember our prime directive: let them question us with whatever they wish, we only reveal what is necessary to promote improved conditions for the recipients.)
2nd alien: (Ah, of course. My concern only stems from humans' track record of using and abusing money, power, and authority. What should we reveal that could not be misused in any manner?)
First alien: (I do not know yet. Perhaps if we wait, time will provide the answer.)

Voice from the TV screen: "An interesting proxy, is it not? Over the span of millennia and the universe above, we meet two intrepid alien creatures who have chanced to meet mankind. What will become of these two on planet earth? What knowledge might they reveal to mankind? Will they be well-received, or feared and attacked because of their differences? Perhaps as one alien said, "Perhaps if we wait, time will provide the answer." Thank you for viewing, "The Outer Limits...."
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