Dad Jokes

this is for the engineers out there!
Please respond if you can make sense of it as I'm in a fog...
View attachment 141629
Dave, copy and enlarge the image to see what this guess is that the stacked circles represent songs within a given album title during the course of the band's lifetime together. You can read the fine print with an the enlarged image.
Hey Fred! I'm somewhere in your neck of the woods on our annual beach vacation!

Q: What do you call an Australian vegan?

A: A vegemate.

Hey Cole if you guys like good seafood go down on Beck Avenue in St Andrews and check out Hunts oysters, and seafood it’s stupid good but pricey. Especially with the kids. Boondocks on 79 by the west bay bridge is good too. Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Friday peeps in Frak'n land....
“Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!” 🌾🏆

Good to see you on the forum DaveO :)

Dave, copy and enlarge the image to see what this guess is that the stacked circles represent songs within a given album title during the course of the band's lifetime together. You can read the fine print with an the enlarged image.

Hope that shoulder is doing better Bob!
@fcs101 water has been looking great. Hope you guys are having a great time. Been down here threw my back out again.

How do brooms greet each other? “We make quite the ‘clean’ team!”
@fcs101 water has been looking great. Hope you guys are having a great time. Been down here threw my back out again.

How do brooms greet each other? “We make quite the ‘clean’ team!”
Sry to hear about the back problems again. My PT eval concluded that my primary had either misdiagnosed my adhesive encapsulitis, or the steps I'd taken to promote quicker recovery actually helped. As a result, the PT only printed out a pageful of possible exercises that might help loosen up the shoulder, but not require further follow-up.

Although the warm weather causes loss of physical energy, I'm eating fewer calories and napping when the shoulder begins to nag. We're still waiting for the majority of pollen season to fade before we can head outdoors and breathe well.

Finally convinced apartment management to correct the water flow into my shower...previously it was all hot water; which is pretty rough during summer months. The plumber fixed a dispenser plate and got things working yesterday. Now, I can take a cool shower next time we reach triple digits.
@fcs101 water has been looking great. Hope you guys are having a great time. Been down here threw my back out again.

How do brooms greet each other? “We make quite the ‘clean’ team!”
Yes, the water is beautiful! We always try to make it in June before it gets too hot.

Q: What do you call a vegan Viking?

A: A Norvegan.
Well, a day well spent doing things I enjoy...couple loads of laundry, vitamin shopping, restocking essential kitchen supplies, gas tank refill/car wash...will settle in this evening by baking a tray of seasoned chicken, then folding laundry; maybe watch the British show "All Creatures Great & Small." Weather forecasters predicted mid-90's today, was actually low 90's / low humidity.

Monday temps slowly climbing towards the 100's mark along with humidity. Will do garden watering early on and insure that my rodent repel granules sink in. Dang squirrels and chipmunks both digging in where roots are taking hold, granules will keep them away for the season so tomatoes and cucumbers can grow.
Well, a day well spent doing things I enjoy...couple loads of laundry, vitamin shopping, restocking essential kitchen supplies, gas tank refill/car wash...will settle in this evening by baking a tray of seasoned chicken, then folding laundry; maybe watch the British show "All Creatures Great & Small." Weather forecasters predicted mid-90's today, was actually low 90's / low humidity.

Monday temps slowly climbing towards the 100's mark along with humidity. Will do garden watering early on and insure that my rodent repel granules sink in. Dang squirrels and chipmunks both digging in where roots are taking hold, granules will keep them away for the season so tomatoes and cucumbers can grow.

Hey Bob saw your post I just spent 5 days picking 14 Lbs of cucumbers put up 7 quarts of bread & butter pickles.
You sharing your garden I thought I’d share my canning. Raining cats an dogs here…

Why do gherkins giggle when you touch them? They're pickle-ish.
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