Dad Jokes

Hey Bob saw your post I just spent 5 days picking 14 Lbs of cucumbers put up 7 quarts of bread & butter pickles.
You sharing your garden I thought I’d share my canning. Raining cats an dogs here…

Why do gherkins giggle when you touch them? They're pickle-ish.
If my cucumber crop occurs quickly, it will be possible to warm-store B&B sandwich pickles this year. I think I've got at least one or more quart-sized B&B pickles from last year that have not yet been tapped.
This isn't a joke, just something I find curious and amusing.

Billy Ray Cyrus has been in the news lately. I hadn't seen a pic of him in years and I could only think he seems to be channeling his inner Chris Stapleton! :p

Of Note: If your cat is an indoor cat, do you supply him with a patch of cat grass to help ease his digestion?
This might explain your propensity for veganism, and solve the watching cows-play conundrum while drinking milk.
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