Dad Jokes

Q: What's the difference between accurate information and misinformation?

A; Misinformation is everywhere, and requires fact-checking against verifiable information. It involves extra work, and is a significant source of paperwork among news agencies who only wish to get the scoop on a big story, but sometimes sacrifice realize the the proliferation of misinformation is intentional when critics of the accurate info make jokes that are only designed to confuse, outwit, or amuse their competition.
The person who invented autocorrect should burn in hello.
Were you able to resolve your dispute with the IT tech who suggested unplugging the computer from the wall outlet, plugging it back in, and booting up in safe mode? Personally, when an IT guy tells me to unplug, I tell him as soon as I can find enough room under my desk where the wall outlet is, then I'll consider joining his vegan contortionist cult.

Meantime, tell the cleaning lady in your office you're heading home to meditate on your daily routine, and that you've already cleaned up after yourself, so her job will be that much lighter this evening.
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Yet, since the setup called for it and it only draws attention to the guy who earned it:

We all remember Mahatma Ghandi, the quiet-spoken, wise and genuinely amazing individual both for his works in the past but also how his philosophy set the pattern for many people who believed in likewise thoughts.

What we did know was the Mahatma had a very poor diet, which contributed to bad breath. That, and the fact that he walked almost everywhere, which contributed to large bunions on the soles of his feet. The poor diet also kept his weight way down, almost to the point of being too thin.

Do you know what this made him?

A super-calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.
So, with the advice of a temporary employment worker, my work assignment was stuffing envelopes and sealing them. The benefits were great. Because sealing envelopes uses a lot of tongue moisture, the employer gave us unlimited supplies of bottled water and unlimited bathroom breaks. My coworkers chided me saying you'll never learn to roll a good joint without the correct tongue moisture to paper ratio. I said, "I don't smoke. I put my buds in ice cubes trays and sip iced drinks instead. Healthier and provides a slower onset buzz." You'd be suprised how many friends you can make with practical wisdom like that.
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