Dad Jokes

You have experienced this Bob?
Not since 1993, in my 2nd tenure at college. I was very much the noob who couldn't play backgammon and pass a joint with finesse. I felt compelled to stop doing weed one evening after a good buzz and trying to tune a guitar while a CD was playing in the background. The entire dorm must have been laughing at me trying to tune my old Les Paul while my Rush "Chronicles" CD served as background music. I coulda simply shut off the CD and relative-tuned, but no. After about 10 minutes of futile tuning, I put the guitar away and realized what a fool I'd been. I lay back on my bed and closed my eyes, quietly weeping, and knew the dorm floor had heard most of it.

Yeah. I can't say I've ever felt more embarrassed and stupid my entire life. Graciously, not one dorm mate mentioned the untuned guitar incident the next day.
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Q: How do you get a crazy person to compete in the modern world?
A: Tell him he doesn't have to play if he doesn't want to.

Q: What are modest benefits of being able to work while others are competing in games to win money?
A: The old adage about "easy money holds true." If it seems too good to be true, it usually is.
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