Can you tell the difference between AXE 59 Bassguy and the real thing...

I turned up the "room" parameter in my axe, but it just refused to grow to the size of a Bassman! I'll report it in the bugs section asap.

I think you're missing the point of the room parameter. It will not make the Bassman bigger but the room it is in. So turning up the room parameter will actually make it seem smaller but in fact it's the room that it's in that got bigger, the size of the Bassman will stay the same.
I think you're missing the point of the room parameter. It will not make the Bassman bigger but the room it is in. So turning up the room parameter will actually make it seem smaller but in fact it's the room that it's in that got bigger, the size of the Bassman will stay the same.

Ahh, thanks for the clarification. One for the Axe-Waki..?
"..So turning up the room parameter will actually make it seem smaller but in fact it's the room that it's in that got bigger, the size of the Bassman will stay the same."

Just ask Alice...
Am I supposed to be doing this test with my eyes open or closed?

Meh... I don't know why we bother...

It's a scratch 'n sniff test... you don't have to be Superman to work that out!
I looked at the pictures on my cheap laptop.
Then I looked at the pictures on my expensive laptop.
Then I looked at the pictures again while wearing headphones.
And I'll be darned if they appeared the same each time...

Wait - where do I get the tweed covered option for the Axe-FX ???
I think you're missing the point of the room parameter. It will not make the Bassman bigger but the room it is in. So turning up the room parameter will actually make it seem smaller but in fact it's the room that it's in that got bigger, the size of the Bassman will stay the same.
In the end, time and space are interconnected anyway. This and the universe is donut-shaped.

So if my girlfriend swallows parts of the bassman, will turning up the room enlarge her boobs?
So if my girlfriend swallows parts of the bassman, will turning up the room enlarge her boobs?
Dude! if she's swallowing the bassman or any other band members, I wouldn't be worrying about the size of her boobs.
Just sayin.;)
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