Bagpipes Attempt

really cool Mark-great job-sounds irish to me-and I'm italian-Thanks for sharing

Haha! I'm actually a dual citizen of New Zealand and Australia, and have been living in California for 5 years now.

Oh... and my understanding is that Bagpipes are Scottish (although there are actually many versions played from Britain, through Europe, Persia and Northern Africa).
And the biggest producer of Bagpipes is Pakistan!
Bagpipes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How's that for multi-cultural?!
The volume of the Vol/Pan is assigned to Extern 2. You have to either assign it to an expression pedal that you have set up, or undo the assignement and raise the volume manually.

Sorry, can someone exactly describe how to unsign Extern 2 from Vol/Pan, I can't find the settings in the vol/pan-block :-(

Sorry, can someone exactly describe how to unsign Extern 2 from Vol/Pan, I can't find the settings in the vol/pan-block :-(


Go in the vol/pan block edit screen. Scroll to the volume parameter and press enter. This takes you to the modifier menu. From there the very first parameter will be the one you need to change. It will be set for External 2. From there change it to whatever you wish. Turn the knob counter clockwise until is says 'none' if you want it to be unassigned.
This preset is So cool! In a older thread someone asked for a bagpipe sound for the song "in a big country" by the band with the same name.I am very surprized that there is no pitch shift block being used.That is how they got the bagpipe sound in that song.You really floored me when I heard your recording! Hats off to you! Fantastic job on this one! Thanks for sharing it,Jethro
How do I apply the patch? it a basic preset or is there a tone match setting setup needed?


Axe-Edit is unstable on my Mbook Pro OS 10.6.8

Utilizing Midi Sport 2x2 and Sysex Librarian
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It's just a patch—no tone matching involved.

I see, ain't showing up on my Axe II. I'm using Sysex Librarian to transfer the patch. It works with the Ultra, anyone having issues with it and the Axe II? Maybe I need to slow the transfer speed or something. it does work updating the Axe II however as well as the MFC.
I see, ain't showing up on my Axe II. I'm using Sysex Librarian to transfer the patch. It works with the Ultra, anyone having issues with it and the Axe II?
I'll have to leave that question to someone else; I've never used Sysex Librarian.
Update.....Sysex Librarian actually worked the first time. However it sent the patch to a different present other than that which was the current present on the Axe II.

Got Axe-Edit up and running too. When there is a glitch or hang up......I realize that I need to just trash the axe-edit system preference document and re-launch Axe-Edit. It is great!! Fooled around with it a bit and got the gist of things. Need to just read up on the manual a bit and experience nirvana!
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