Axe Fx Ultra & Muse Uprising cover

Thank guys! Whe get a great response from the audience. We use the laptop with a click and in ear monitor for the drummer and me wich I use for safety reasons or 2nd line of difence just in case. All the synth tracks and background vocals are the ones we use live.
This is a fantastic cover. Every tone is great, and the mix is clear and nice.

You should share your patches and what not, dude. I'd love to know what you did specifically to make this.
This is awesome! Fantastic cover! My wife walked in to the room, and she says "I love that song, isn't that Muse?" I told her that it was a cover by someone on the Fractal forum, and she was as impressed as I! Great job! :D
Sounds good. The other track, "more than a feeling", the singer is doing a fantastic job -- that's a super-human vocal effort to even take that tune on. I don't know anyone covering that song.
Sounds great. You guys nailed this one. My wife loves this song too...what is it with Muse and women???
My band does this song too, but you completely blow us out of the water. Tight as hell, the vocals are great, and the sounds are spot on. Great job!
AAaahh I would like these patches so muuchh

I have no idea from when this post is :eek:

Hi, that was a while ago when I used the Ultra. I bought the Axe Fx 2 so I had to re do all my patches! I know I used a JCM 800, but it sounds different now.I haven't decided which amp to use yet. Sorry!
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